Computer Knowledge Expected Questions (Processor & It's Devices) - Set 2

June 21, 2016    

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  1. Accumulator is almost all ___________
    1. Load Instructions
    2. Store Instructions
    3. Both 1 and 2
    4. None of these
    5. All of these
  2. The thick surface containing  circuitry in computer is called as a ____________
    1. Plastic board
    2. CPU
    3. Mother Board
    4. Jacket
    5. None of these
  3. The instruction to copy the contents of the MBR to the main memory is ___________
    1. Store
    2. Load
    3. Move
    4. Copy
    5. None of these
  4. The ______________ is responsible for mathematical and logical operations of a computer.
    1. CU
    2. MMU
    3. ALU
    4. MBR
    5. None of these
  5. A port is the same as ________________
    1. Computer 
    2. Controller 
    3. CPU
    4. Disk
    5. None of these
  6. What is meant by micro sec _____________
    1. 10^-6
    2. 10^+6
    3. 9^-10
    4. 6^+10
    5. None of these
  7.  Nano second is ____________
    1. 10^-9
    2. 10^+9
    3. 9^-10
    4. 9^+10
    5. None of these
  8. Pic second is _____________
    1. 12^-10
    2. 10^-12
    3. 12^+10
    4. 10^+12
    5. None of these
  9.  KIPS stands for _______________
    1. Kilo Instructions Per Second
    2. Kilo Instructions Per Strike
    3. Kilo Information Per Second
    4. Kilo Indication Per Second
    5. None of these
  10. Which of the following is measurement of MIPS ?
    1. Computer Speed
    2. Storage Capacity
    3. Computer Lenght
    4. Both 1 and 2
    5. None of these
  11. 1 Byte = ?
    1. 8 bits
    2. 2 bits
    3. 4 bits
    4. 9 bits
    5. None of these
  12. 1024 Bits = ?
    1.  2 Kilo bytes
    2. 1 Kilo byte
    3. 1 Giga byte
    4. 1 Tera byte
    5. None of these
  13. 1024 mega bytes = ?
    1. 1 Giga byte
    2. 2 Giga byte
    3. 2 Mega bytes
    4. 1 Tera byte
    5. None of these
  14. 1024 Giga byte = ?
    1. 2 Giga bytes
    2. 1 Tera byte
    3. 2 Tera bytes
    4. 2684 bytes
    5. None of these
  15. The size of the Floppy disk is ________
    1. 5 1/4"
    2. 3 1/2"
    3. 14 1/2"
    4. both 1 and 2
    5. None of these
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Computer Knowledge Expected Questions (Processor & It's Devices) - Set 2 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 21, 2016 sponsored links Accumulator is almost all ___________ Load Instructions Store Instructions Both 1 and 2 None of these All of these...

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