English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 18th October 2017

October 22, 2017    

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Hai Friends I'm Kani. Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of Today's Hindu News Paper dated 18th October 2017. Happy reading :)

Note : Click on the title to read the Editorial from the News Paper
  • Epidemic - a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people
  • Endorse - to express support for someone or something, especially in public
  • Unproven - not proved to be useful, safe, or capable of doing something
  • Remedy - a cure for pain or a minor illness
  • Epidemic - a situation in which a disease spreads very quickly and infects many people
  • Concoction - something that is made or produced by putting several things or features together
  • Efficacy - effectiveness in producing the result that you intended
  • Taker - someone who accepts or wants something that is offered
  • Curb - to control or limit something that is harmful
  • Instance - an example of something happening
  • Ingredient - one of the substances that are combined to make something
  • Potency - the strength of a medicine, drug, or chemical
  • Inhibit - to make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way
  • Symptom - a sign that someone has an illness
  • Respiratory - relating to the process of breathing air in and out
  • Tract - a group of organs and tubes that work together in your body
  • Innumerable - too many to be counted
  • Placebo - a substance that is not medicine but that a patient who is taking it believes is medicine, and so they get better
  • Massive - very large in amount or degree
  • Scant - very little, or not enough
  • Evidentiary - providing or relating to evidence
  • Allopath - a name for traditional and ordinary medicine
  • Consequence - a result or effect of something
  • In the face of something - in a situation where you have to deal with something unpleasant or difficult
  • Misconstrue - to understand something wrongly
  • Supplement - to add something extra in order to improve something
  • Haemorrhagic - relating to a large flow of blood from a damaged blood vessel
  • Surveillance - the process of carefully watching a person or place
  • Transparency - the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
  • Replicability - the quality of being able to be exactly copied or reproduced
  • Laypeople - people who are not trained in or does not have a detailed knowledge of a particular subject
Hindu Editorial Topic 2 : "New kid on the bloc: On Austria polls"
  • Pull off -  to succeed in doing something that is difficult
  • Audacious - done with extreme confidence, despite difficulties, risks, or the negative attitudes of other people
  • Chancellor -  the leader of the government in some countries, for example Germany and Austria
  • Take the reins - take the control
  • Whiz kid - a young person who is very intelligent or very successful
  • Coalition - a temporary union of different political parties that agree to form a government together
  • Reaffirm - to formally and officially state something again
  • Contender - someone who competes with other people for a prize or job
  • Spill-over - to spread to other areas
  • Cohort - a friend or supporter
  • Counterpart - someone or something that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different country, time, situation, or organization
  • Alarming - frightening or worrying
  • Populism - politics that represents the interests and opinions of ordinary people
  • Foothold - a position from which you can improve your status or become more successful in an organization, profession, or market
  • Immigrant - someone who comes to live in a country from another country
  • Capitalise - to sell something you own for money that you need
  • Influx - a large number of people or things coming to a particular place
  • Migrant - someone who travels to another place or country in order to find work
  • Forefront - a leading or important position
  • Prohibition - a law or rule that stops people from doing something
  • Strain - pressure caused by a difficult situation
  • Colleague - someone who works in the same organization or department as you
  • Campaign - a series of actions intended to produce political or social change
  • Fanning - to blow air at a fire to make it burn more strongly
  • Exclusionist - a person favouring the exclusion of someone or something from a place, group

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English Vocabulary from "The Hindu News Paper" - 18th October 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 22, 2017 sponsored links Hai Friends I'm Kani . Here I'm sharing English Vocabulary from Editorial section of Today's Hindu News Pap...

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