20 Errors In the use of Conjunctions

June 15, 2016    

Incorrect Correct
As you are my younger so I shall take care of you. I shall take care of you because you are my younger brother.
I will die some day since all men are mortal. I will die some day as all men are mortal.
Because he is intelligent, therefore, everybody likes him. Everybody likes him because he is intelligent.
Two weeks have passed since I have seen him. Two weeks have passed since I saw him.
Both Madhu and Sudha did not attend school yesterday. Neither Madhu nor Sudha attended school yesterday.
All is not right that is expedient. All that is expedient is not right.
The choice is between glorious death or shameful life. The choice is between glorious death and shameful life.
Although she is foolish, but people like her. Although she is foolish yet people like her.
May you pass or not, I do not care. Should you pass or not, I do not care.
Work hard lest you may not fail. Work hard lest you should fail.
Scarcely he had entered the room, I recognized him. Scarcely had he entered the room when I recognized him.
Unless you do not pay attention to what I say, you will not succeed. Unless you pay attention to what I say, you will not succeed.
The teacher asked John that why he was late. The teacher asked John why he was late.
No other country but India has spoken against the racist regime of South Africa. No other country than India has spoken against the racist regime of South Africa.
I have neither seen him nor his brother. I have seen neither him nor his brother.
He did not speak loudly and clearly. He did not speak loudly or clearly.
My pen is superior and more expensive than yours. My pen is superior to and more expensive than yours.
Not only he is honest but sincere. He is not only honest but also sincere.
The little boy was lazy and careless. The little boy was lazy and careless too
Complete your work lest you will be demoted. Complete your work otherwise you will be demoted.
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20 Errors In the use of Conjunctions 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 15, 2016 Incorrect Correct As you are my younger so I shall take care of you. I shall take care of you because you are my younger brother...

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