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Dear friends, Here is the third set of Important Idioms and their Meanings for Competitive Exams. You can read the Set 1 from here and the Set 2 from here. Happy Reading :)
Idioms related to Go
- Go along! You are treading on my feet (move forward).
- treading meaning - to press something down with your foot
- He has never yet gone back on his word (failed to keep his promise)
- The days go by so quickly (pass)
- This train goes by electricity (functions by means of)
- That shop has gone down lately (deteriorated)
- deteriorated meaning - to become worse
- The prices never seem to go down (fall)
- His speech went down very well (was received)
- He went for the doctor (went to fetch)
- He went for the burglar with a stick (attacked)
- Shall we go for a walk, a drive, a run or a swim ? (go to have)
- They went into the whole mater of political secrecy (investigated)
- He is going in for medicine (making his career in)
- Another atom bomb went off yesterday (exploded)
- This meat has gone off (lost its freshness)
- The baby went off to sleep at once (fell asleep)
- Please go on with your work (continue)
- She goes on at him until he leaves the house (talks angrily to him)
- Put some coal on the fire or it will go out (die. Used for light and heat)
- The tide has gone out a long way (receded).
- He can be relied on to go through with the work (complete)
- He says he can't go without his tea (sacrifice, accept lack of)
Idioms related to Lay
- She has some money laid by in case of emergency (put away)
- Those soldiers laid down their arms (relinquished)
- arms meaning - weapons
- relinquished meaning - to give up something
- These soldiers laid down their lives for their country (sacrificed)
- He keeps lying down the law to me about my wifely duties (formulating dogmatically)
- The house is ready: the water is already laid on (connected)
- We laid out a lot of money on the garden (spent)
- He was laid out by a blow on the head (knocked unconscious)
- They laid up a large store of coal (amassed)
- amassed meaning - to get a large amount of something
- She was laid up for weeks with influenza (confined to bed - passive only)
- confined meaning - to limit / restricted to an area
Idioms related to Look
- He was looking at the beautiful view (regarding; observing)
- Her grandmother will look after the children (take care of)
- They look down on us because we haven't got a car (despise)
- despise meaning - to feel a strong dislike for someone because you think that that person has no value
- I'm looking for a new house (seeking)
- She looked in just to see if we needed anything (visited in passing)
- Will you look into the matter of the lost books ? (examine)
- He looks on my parties with disgust (regards, views)
- Look out! The saucepan is burning ! (be careful)
- His work is looking up now (improving)
- They looked up to this great man (respected, admired)
- She looked round and saw someone following her (looked behind)
Shared by Bhargav Gupta Yechuri
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