Indian Polity Quiz for SSC Exams

April 11, 2016    

Indian Polity Quiz for SSC Exams

1. The Indian Constitution has been divided into.... Parts.
(a) 16
(b) 22
(c) 24
(d) 25
2. Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court hold office until they attain the age of :
(a) 65 years
(b) 58 years
(c) 60 years
(d) 62 years

3. Which one of the following statements is incorrect ?
(a) the President is an integral part of the Parliament
(b) the President is not a part of the Parliament
(c) the President can summon each House of Parliament
(d) the President can dissolve the Lok Sabha

4.The judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by
(a) The Prime Minister of India
(b) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(c) The President of India
(d) The Indian parliament

5.When the President can declare emergency?
(a) When there is a breakdown of the constitutional machinery
(b) When security of India is threatened
(c) When financial stability is endangered
(d) Any or all of the above

6. The President can declare financial emergency under the Article
(a) 352
(b) 356
(c) 360
(d) 363

7. The introduction of “no confidence” motion in the Lok Sabha requires the support of at least
(a) 50 members
(b) 70 members
(c) 60 members
(d) 80 members

8. The Cabinet (or Council of Ministers) which may have Ministers from both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha is collectively responsible to :
(a) the Lok Sabha
(b) the Rajya Sabha
(c) both Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha
(d) both the President and the Vice-President

9. Right to Freedom of Religion means :
(a) religious instructions shall be provided in all government educational institutions
(b) state shall encourage religious thinking and give preference to persons with religious bent of mind in matter of employment
(c) all persons shall have right to establish institutions for religious and educational purposes
(d) none of the above

10. Who said that Directive Principles of State Policy are like a cheque on a bank payable at the convenience of the bank?
(a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Dr. B.N. Rau
(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(d) Prof. K.T. Shah


Indian Polity Quiz for SSC Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 11, 2016 Indian Polity Quiz for SSC Exams 1. The Indian Constitution has been divided into.... Parts. (a) 16 (b) 22 (c) 24 (d) 25 2. Chief Ju...

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