SSC CGL 2016-17 Exam -Document Verification & Tier IV Exam Pattern

April 14, 2017    

SSC CGL 2016-17 Exam- Tier-4 Exam Pattern and Document verification-Finally, SSC has called all those candidates who have appeared in SSC CGL 2016-17 Tier 3 exam for Document Verification and Tier -4 Exam (CPT/DEST). These both process Document Verification and Tier-4 Exam will be done by zone wise. Some of the zones have released Dates and Tier 4 Admit card.


 At the time of Document Verification candidates must possess following documents
1. Original ID proof

2. Matriculation/High School)/High Secondary School/ Equivalent certificate mentioning Date of Birth

3. Degree Certificate of Graduation with all marksheets having acquired the minimum educational qualification on or before 1st August 2016.
Note: If you do not have proof of date of passing the exam then you must be able to prove the documentary evidence such as certificate issued by the concerned Competent Authority of the University/ Institute that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the above date mentioned.

4. Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC candidates (as prescribed by format) OH/HH/VH certificate in prescribed format in case of Physically Handicapped Category.
In the case of Ex-servicemen you must have been discharged on or before the date mentioned in the Notice of Examination.

5. A duly filled Post Preference Option form (Candidates can change their post preference as they filled at the time of apply.) Download Post Preference Form

6. Passport size photographs – 6

7. 2 set of Photocopies of above mentioned documents.

NOTE: There are certain posts which requires candidates to possess certain physical standard. If any candidate thinks that he/she does not possess the desirable height or weight or thinks that he/she might not qualify it's physical tests are requested to keep those posts out of their preference list or at the bottom of the list. Physical standard verification are done after the final merit is prepared by the concerned department. If any candidate is unable to clear this stage, his/her selection will be cancelled and no other post will be allotted in exchange.

SSC CGL Tier-IV Exam Pattern

CPT: Computer Proficiency Test
  • For the post of ASO (Assistant Section Officer) in CSS and MEA.
  • Qualifying in nature. The marks obtained are not added to make final merit list. But any candidate failing to secure a minimum standard required will be out of the race for those two posts.
  • No exemption for any category of PH candidates.
  • Comprises Word processing, Spreadsheet and Slide Generation.
WORD PROCESSING: Candidates will be provided with a printed passage which they require to type on the computer. A candidate is expected to type 2000 characters or key depressions in 15 minutes. The passage consists of no formatting like Bold, Italic, Underlining etc. 

SPREADSHEETS: Candidate will be provided with a printed sheet. Candidates have to work on Microsoft Excel Software and create a spreadsheet like the one provided in the sheet in 15 minutes. Simple formulas like Multiplication, profit, percentage etc will be asked. 

SLIDES: Candidates will be provided a printed sheet that will have a single slide. Candidate will be required to create the same slide on Microsoft PowerPoint in 15 minute time. Candidates should be aware of basic functions like header/footer, inserting table, date and time etc.

DEST: Data Entry Skill Test

  • For the post of Tax Assistant (Central Excise and Income Tax).
  • Qualifying in nature like CPT
  • Any Candidate who take CPT does not require to appear for DEST as the part 1 of CPT (Typing) will be considered for DEST evaluation.
  • Requirement: 8000 key depression per hour, that is 2000 key depression per 15 minutes.
  • Relaxation: VH Candidates will be allowed 20 minutes.
After CPT/DEST/Document Verification is completed, SSC will prepare an All India Merit List for each category of post. The final merit will be prepared on the basis of marks secured in Tier1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 and the preference exercised by the candidates.

SSC CGL 2016-17 Exam -Document Verification & Tier IV Exam Pattern 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 14, 2017 SSC CGL 2016-17 Exam- Tier-4 Exam Pattern and Document verification- Finally, SSC has called all those candidates who have appeared in SSC ...

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