G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam for past 2-3 days

April 5, 2016    

Dear Readers,

We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam in past 2-3 days. If you have any more questions from the exam, then do share it in the comment section.

1. Shape of the Milky Way?
Ans: - Spiral galaxy

2. Battle of Plassey on which river?
Ans: - Bhagirathi River

3. IPTL Full Form?
Ans: - International Premier Tennis League

4. Southernmost point of Indian mainland?
Ans:- Kanyakumari (formerly called Cape Comorin)

5. Second highest peak of world?
Ans: – K2 / Qogir /Godwin Austen

6. Benazir Bhutto was which Prime Minister of Pakistan?
Ans: – 11th

7. Bihu festival celebrated in?
Ans: – Assam

8. Indian Institute of Vegetable Research 
Ans:- Varanasi

9. National game of India?
Ans: – Hockey

10. First Indian women who wins gold in Asian games 2014?
Ans: - Jitu Rai (Shooting)

11. Which company developed Macintosh computer?
Ans: - Apple

12. Cuyahoga Valley National Park?
Ans: - Ohio, United States

13. Zika virus transmitted by?
Ans: - Aedes mosquitoes

14. Servants of India Society founded by?
Ans: - Gopal Krishna Gokhale

15. High vitamin A foods include?
Ans: - sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy greens, winter squashes

16. UPS Full Form?
Ans: - Uninterruptible Power Supply

17. Albert Einstein got Nobel Prize for his discovery of?
Ans: - the law of the photoelectric effect

18. Why does Government of India act 1935 was important? -
Ans: It is the main source of Indian Constitution

19. In the rebellion of 1857, maximum number of soldiers were in?
Ans: - Awadh

20. Yellow color in Papaya is because of?
Ans: – Carotene

21. 1901 nobel medicine for invention in?
Ans: -Diphtheria

22. Alfred Nobel discovered?
Ans: -dynamite

23. 2010 first face transplant was done in-
Ans: Spain

24. 2005 ukrain, georgia revolution- 

25. Rakhal lila is dance of which state?
Ans: -assam

26. Fatehpur sikri made by-
Ans: Akbar

27. Henning brand discovered 1st element-
Ans: Phosphorus

28. 1st king of north korea-
Ans: Kim jong-un

29. Tripitaka book of- 

30. Father of experimental pshycology?
Ans: Wilhelm Wundt

31. Which is not an Operating system(options :OS x,win 98,C++,Windows 7)?
Ans:   C++

32. Longest railway destination of India?
Ans:   Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari.

33. Chipko movement started from where in India?
Ans:  Uttrakhand

34. Male is the capital of which country?
Ans:  Republic of Maldives

35. Which Vitamin responsible for Blood Clotting?
Ans:   Vitamin K

36. Longest river in India which do not fall in sea?
Ans:  Yamuna

37.What is Serbian Index?
Ans:  capitalization-weighted price index

38. What is the capital of Uganda?
Ans:  Kampala

39.Most Peaceful country according to 2015 peace index?
Ans:  Iceland

40.Mica is abundant in which state of India?
Ans:  Jharkhand

41.Where is Orang Park situated ?
Ans:  Assam

42.Cleanest city of India?
Ans: Mysuru

43.New Member of World Trade Organisation?
Ans: Afghanistan

44.Which crop is produced at highest quantity in India?
Ans: Rice

45.H2O is water then what is KOH?
Ans: Potassium Hydroxide

46.1998 pokaran test operation name?
Ans: Operation Shakti

47.Madhubani Paintings Indicates?
Ans:  Forest of Honey

48.What is oneirology?
Ans: scientific study of dreams.

49.Modern Olympic 1896 held in which city?
Ans: Athens,Greece

50.Who was Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1999?
Ans: Nawaz Sharif

51.In which year  Sikkim get formed?
Ans: 1975

52.what is Sighmo?
Ans: Spring Fesitval

53.Odd one out(ears-hearing,tongue-taste,light-vision,nose-smelling)
Ans: light

54.Holi is Celerbrated with?
Ans: Gulal

55. Which is logo of Make in India?
Ans: Moving Lion

56. What was the duration of PM Modi’s America visit in 2015?
Ans:  5 days.

57.Adhai Din ka Jhopda is in?
Ans: Ajmer,Rajasthan

58.What is LIGO?
Ans:  Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory

59.Who got Olympic quota in wrestling in 2015?
Ans:  Narsingh Yadav

60.Most abundant natural combustible gas?
Ans: Methane

61.India got freedom on 15th August in which time day/night/noon/midnight?
Ans: Midnight

62.What is the foundation year of Arunachal Pradesh?
Ans: 1987

63.Change in position with distance is?
Ans:  Magnitude

64. When was Indian National Congress formed?
Ans: December 28, 1885

65. 2015 winner of rugby?
Ans: Australia

66. Sajan prakash related to?
Ans: Swimmer

67. Indian army formed by whom?
Ans: Capitan Mohan Singh

68. Davis cup winner 2015?
Ans: Andy Murray

69. The first nobel price for medicine was given to invention of vaccine for which disease?
Ans: Diphtheria

70. World wide Web invented by?
Ans: Tim Berners-lee

71. Which of the following is not Jupiter satellite?(Europa,Ganymede,metis,Titan)
Ans: Titan 

72. What is the average thickness of human skin?

Ans: 0.10 inch(or) 2-3 mm

73. Where is shore temple located?
Ans: Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

74. Who was named as the cultural ambassador of Seychelles in October 2015?
Ans: AR Rahman

75. Which two Indian cities, were added to the creative city network of UNESCO in Dec 2015?
Ans: Varanasi & Jaipur

76. Thermostat is a device in ovens which help to maintain a temperature by?
Ans: Regulating flow of heat

77. Who is popularly known as the father of white revolution in India?
Ans: Verghese Kurien

78. Who wrote the autobiography of an unknown India?
Ans: Nirad C. Chaudhuri

79. In July 1905, who ordered the partition of Bengal?
Lord Curzon

80. Which of the following names is Nilanjana sudeshna, an Indian American Author popularly known as?
Ans: Jhumpa Lahari

81. What is the name of the Tablet computer produced by Data wind which is promoted by the GOVT of India as part of an e-learning program?
Ans: Aakash

82. What is the Laccadive Sea otherwise known as?
Ans: Arabian Sea

83. Who was the Governor General after Mountbatten?
Ans: C. Rajagopalachari

84. The purple frontier, the Earth dragon and the outer fortresses, all refer to?
Ans: Great wall of china

85. What do the terms Geocentric and Heliocentric refer to?
Ans: Earth centered, Sun centered

86. What did Dmitri Mendeleev formulate?
Ans: Periodic Table

87. Pacific : Ocean : : Bay of Bengal : ?
Ans: Sea

88. Who was Charles Correa?
Ans: Architect

89. What does DNA Stands for in Biology?
Ans: Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

90. In September 2015 NASA scientists found evidence of flowing water on which planet outside Earth?  
Ans: Mars

91. As of January 2016, where is ISRO Head quarters?
Ans: Bangalore

92. What was the first football player from the Indian Sub continent to play for a European Club? 
Ans: Mohammed Saleem

93. What is the name of the parent company of Google, formed on 2nd October 2015?
Ans: Alphabet Inc

94. What are the 4 key Elements of amino acids?
Ans: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

95. What is reason behind yellow colour of Papaya?
Ans: Flavonoids

96. Importance behind gov of India act 1935?
Ans: Main source of Indian constitution

97. World bank given money in DEC?
Ans: swach bharat mission

98. Which country invent pencil
Ans: Switzerland.

99. Who play role of sita in older Ramayana serial
Ans: Deepika Chikhalia.

100. Battle of Plassey war on which river?
Ans: Bhagirathi river 1757

101.1st U.S president to attend republic day parade in india?
Ans: Barack Obama

102. Who commisioned tajmahal?
Ans: Shahjahan

103. First woman doctor in world?
Ans: Elizabeth Blackwell

104. No of Muscles uses for eye ball?
Ans: 6 Muscles

105.What is the national game of China?
Ans: Table Tennis

106.Nearest galaxy to milkway?
Ans: Andromeda

107.Who build jantarmater in delhi?
Ans: Maharaja Jai Singh

108. South Africa currency?
Ans: South African Rand

109.No of players in polo?
Ans: 4

110. Acid in grapes?
Ans: Tartar Acid

111. When was India declared polio-free by WHO? 
Ans: 2014

112. Who is the composer of the National Pledge? 
Ans: Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao

113. What the average weight of brain? 
Ans: About 3 pounds

114. Which one is the tributary of Indus river? 
Ans: Jhelum

115. Which is the first planet discovered by a human? 
Ans: Uranus


G.K Questions Asked in RRB CBT Exam for past 2-3 days 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu April 5, 2016 Dear Readers, We have received the following questions from our readers and candidates who have appeared for the exam in past 2-3 days....

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