Computer Quiz for IBPS & Banking Exams (Set-6)
1. The ____________ is a device that connects inputs to outputs.
a) Crosspoint
b) Crossbar
e) None of these
2. Transformation of input into output is performed by
a) Peripherals
c) Storage
d) The CPU
e) None of these
3. A____________is a pre-desi…Read More
SSC CGL 2016 (Tier-I) Exam Analysis - 11th September 2016 (1st Shift)
Dear Readers,
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is conducting Online Tier -I Examination of Combined Graduate Level (CGL), 2016 for the first time. The Tier I exam is started from 27th August, 2016
and will end on 11th September 2016. Now, we …Read More
Cloze Test : Set picked from previous IBPS PO Pre
In the following Passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. The numbers are printed below the passage and against each, four words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Tick mark the appropriate wor…Read More
SSC CGL 2016 (Tier-I) Exam Analysis - 11th September 2016 (2nd Shift)
Dear Readers,
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is conducting Online Tier -I Examination of Combined Graduate Level (CGL), 2016 for the first time. The Tier I exam is started from 27th August, 2016
and will end on 11th September 2016. Now, we …Read More
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