Study Notes on Khilji Dynasty

March 4, 2016    

The Khiljis, wrongly believed to be Afghans, were actually Turks who had for a long time settled in
the region of Afghanistan, called Khalji had adopted Afghan manners and customs. There for their coming to the thrown of Delhi is called "Khalji" revulsion. The Ghazani's and Ghori's invasions, and Mongol pressure from Central Asia had pushed them into India.

The term Khalji was their-designation, meaning in Turkic languages "swordsman". Although they had played a conspicuous role in the success of Turkic armies in India, they had always been locked down upon by the leading Turks, the dominant group during the Slave dynasty.

Jalauddin Khilji: 1290-1296 AD

Jalaluddin Khalji founded Khiljis dynasty. He followed mild and generous policies. This generous policy of the Sultan affected his foreign policy as well. In 1290, he invaded the fort of Ranthambhor. In 1294, Ala-ud-din nephew of Jalal-ud-din, invaded Ramchandra, the ruler of Devagiri in the south. Ramchandra was defeated and Ala-ud-din returneed with an immense booty.

Alauddin Khalji: 1296-1316 AD

He was a nephew and son-in-law of Jalaluddin Khilji. AlauddinKhilji killed him and succeeded the throne in 1296. He was the first Turkish Sultan of Delhi who seperated religion from politics. He proclaimed 'Kingship knows no Kinship'.

Alauddin's Imperialism:

1. Alauddin annexed Gujarat (1298)
2. Ranthambhor (1301)
3. Mewar (1303)
4. Malwa (1305)
5. Jalor (1311). 
In Deccan, Aluddin's army led by Malik Kafur defeated Ram Chandra, PratapRudradeva, Virballal III and Vir Pandya. He built HauzKhas and JamaitKhana Mosque. He seized the famous Kohinoor diamond from the ruler of Malwa.

Economic Reforms (1304)

1. The most important experiment undertaken by himwas the attempt to control the markets. 
2. He sought to control the prices of all commodities, from foodgrains to horse, and from cattle and slaves to costly imported cloth.
3. Introduction of Dagh or branding of horses Chehra or detailed description of each soldier
4. Confiscation of the religious endowments and free grants of lands
5. Creation of new department vizDiwan-i-Mustakhraj to enquire into the revenue arears and to collect them
6. Establishment of separate markets for food grains cloth, horses, fruits etc
Administrative Reforms Ordinances

1. Reorganised the Spy system
2. Prohibition on use of wine in Delhi
3. Nobles should not intermarry without his permission.
4. Confiscated the properties of Nobles classes.
5. He created new department viz Diwan-i-Mustakhraj to enquire into the revenue arrears and to collect them.
6. He separated religion from politics. He proclaimed -Kingship knows no Kinship.

Military Reforms

1. Introduced the first permanent standing army of India
2. Abolition of Iqtas of royal troppers and the payment of their salaries in crash.
3. Regular muster of the army.
4. He was the first sultan to have permanent army-paid soldiers in cash, imported horses, 

Shihabuddin Omar: 1316 AD

He was the third Sultan of the Khilji Dynasty and 13th Sultan of Delhi. He ascended the throne as a minor with the death of his father Alauddin Khilji in January 1316. He became Sultan with the help of Malik Kafur, the Military Commander. After the assassination of Kafur, his brother Qutb-ud-din Mubarak became Sultan.

Mubarak Khan: 1316-1320 AD

 After the death of Kafur (1316), Mubarak Khan was freed from prison and was appointed as regent for Shiab-ud-din. He captured the throne at the first opportunity he got, but could rule only for 4 years as he sank into debauchery and could not give up his dissipated lifestyle. He awarded his lover Hassan authority over the army and place guards, and the latter soon obtained full control over the Sultan's palace. Hassan was given the tittle Khusarau Khan by the Sultan and within months Khasrau killed Mubarak Khan and assumed the title of Nasir-ud-din in mid-1320.

Khusro Khan: 1320 AD

Khusrau Khan was killed by Ghazni Khan, governor of Dipalpur when he tried to oppose a rebellion by Ghazni Malik and his son Fakhr-ud-din Jaima. This marked the end of the Khalji dynasty and the rise of Tughlaq dynasty at the throne of Delhi.

All The Best!!

Study Notes on Khilji Dynasty 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 4, 2016 The Khiljis , wrongly believed to be Afghans, were actually Turks who had for a long time settled in the region of Afghanistan, calle...

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