Cloze Test | English Questions for IB ACIO Exam 2017

October 1, 2017    

Dear Students, English section of all IB ACIO Exams is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practice a lot of mock tests to score maximum marks. Today, in this English quiz we are providing questions based on One Cloze Test. Attempt this quiz, learn better and be prepared for the IB ACIO Exam 2017. Follow our study plan and be better prepared for the IB Exam.

Directions (1-10): In the following passages, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.

India is basically (1) of rural masses. Seventy-four percent of the people live in villages. When one talks of a village it is not just a (2) of a few hundred-people living together. A village in India used to be an independent socio-economic (3) based on a decentralised socio-economic system, built not on a (4) but a complementary structure. If one studies India’s history of the past two hundred (5) years, especially when the British first came, one finds the truth of the statement. The new rulers undid the very (6) of rural society because they knew that India could not be (7) unless the village (8) was completely destroyed. Thus, it is that the East India Company introduced (9) production into village life and consequently smashed its system of co-operation and (10).

(a) Group
(b) Actually
(c) Nation
(d) Society

(a) Cluster
(b) Habitation
(c) Combination
(d) Sum

(a) Individuality
(b) Contract
(c) Habitation
(d) Entity

(a) Political
(b) Competitive
(c) Social
(d) Co-operative

(a) Odd
(b) Few
(c) More
(d) Sum

(a) Thread
(b) Texture
(c) Fabric
(d) soul

(a) Overcome
(b) Obtained
(c) Held
(d) Controlled

(a) Society
(b) Structure
(c) Co-operative
(d) Life

(a) Centralized
(b) Controlled
(c) Wide
(d) Unfair

(a) Togetherness
(b) Competition
(c) Combination
(d) Co-ordination

Directions (11-15): In the following passages, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your answer in the Answer-Sheet.

The temple was (11) as a massive chariot (12) on an east-west axis, in which the Sun god, Surya, was pulled across the sky. Each day his (13) brought life and light back to earth and his procession was a continual rejoicing. The chariot had twenty-four wheels, and was (14) by seven horses, (15) the seven days of the week and the seven sages who govern the constellations.

(a) Conceived
(b) Celebrated
(c) Bases
(d) Viewed

(a) Found
(b) Originated
(c) Lying
(d) Lifted

(a) Experience
(b) Scheduled
(c) Journey
(d) Trial

(a) Pulled
(b) Brought
(c) Dominated
(d) Carried

(a) Overseeing
(b) Managing
(c) Representing
(d) Showing

Cloze Test | English Questions for IB ACIO Exam 2017 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 1, 2017 Dear Students, English section of all IB ACIO Exams is very challenging. You need to mug up all the grammar rules, vocabulary and practi...

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