Science Quiz Based on NCERT

March 1, 2016    

Light, Shadows and Reflections & Electricity and Circuits

1. Shadows are
A. Remains the same size as opaque object
B. Always bigger than the opaque object
C. Always smaller than the opaque object
D. Can be smaller or bigger than the opaque object

2. The image formed in pinhole camera is
A. Inverted only
B. Erect only
C. Inverted and Erect
D. none of these

3. A _______ eclipse occurs when earth comes between sun and moon in a straight line.
A. lunar
B. solar
C. shadow
D. none of these

4. Which one of the following is not a luminous object?
A. moon
B. lit candle
C. star
D. sun

5. The light from the sun reaches the earth in
A. 18.33 minutes
B. 8.33 minutes
C. 88.33 seconds
D. 8.33 seconds

6. A ________ is an instrument used for observing objects from a hidden position.
A. microscope
B. periscope
C. telescope
D. kaleidoscope

7. Which one of the following is a living luminous object?
A. Lit Candle
B. Sun
C. Fire Fly
D. Moon

8. Which one of the following statement is false?
A. Rubber is a bad conductor of electricity
B. In general metals are good conductor of electricity.
C. The bulb glows only when current flows through the circuit.
D. Our body is a bad conductor of electricity.

9. A simple device that is used to either break or complete the electric circuit, is called _____ .
A. Conductor
B. Resistor
C. Switch
D. Terminal

10. Which one of the following will allow electric current to pass through?
A. Eraser
B. Iron Nail
C. Plastic comb
D. Matchstick

Answers will be provided soon

Science Quiz Based on NCERT 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 1, 2016 Light, Shadows and Reflections & Electricity and Circuits 1. Shadows are A. Remains the same size as opaque object B. Always big...

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