March 3, 2016    

22 Minutes of (Horror) Fun

Name: K .Gaurav (B.Tech-IT/2013)
Disqus: The Flash
Hey guys, I am here to share my experience of big day i.e. RBI Grade B interview. First of all I need to tell you why I titled it Horror Fun? Because I was nervous cause it is a very big opportunity and any single mistake can through me out of the race. And fun because after experiencing this big fat interview I realised there was nothing that I need to afraid of. Before moving to my experience I want to tell you something about (What I learn) Interview phase of RBI Grade B.
Flash Tips:This is the most essential stage, however its weightage is by all accounts low yet without scoring great you can't discover your name in definite rundown. On the off chance that board sees 'genuine potential' in you they would grant you great checks with the goal that you can make into the rundown, and in the event that they feel you are not the purported "cleaned" individual your imprints certainly reflect it.
It's an identity (Personality) test and they are not trying your insight here. Keep in mind that, in interview imprints are not given for what you say but rather it's in regards to how you say, the way you approach. But content of your answer should be logical. But yes if you stumble in some basic questions related to RBI and banking it may create negative impression. They aren't checking content, what they grant marks for is your purpose. Introductory 3-4 minutes of collaborations (interaction) is sufficient for board to judge you.
How to prepare:
I let you know from my experience that one can't get ready for it. It's unpredictable to the point that you can’t just set up a few answers and replicate them before board. Your genuine self would unquestionably turn out. So be what you are, as genuine as Possible. And, this is what the panel wants, so don't flaunt or give some counterfeit answers. Be authentic, be courteous however in the meantime be assertive. There are four major areas to prepare.
1. Bio data (Specially your Hobbies and work experience if you have any)
2. RBI Organization & Functions (Source: RBI website)
3. Current Affairs (Even the news of a day before of Interview)
4. Knowledge of banking/basic economics or finance.
Experience: (RBI, Lucknow)
Interview panel and aggregate mood was exceptionally royal. Whatever may be the result I enjoyed being inside RBI. My Interview went for 22-25 min. panel was very helpful; they helped (gave hints) and encouraged me to answer better where they felt I can answer better. Ok now let’s start.
May I come in sir?
There were 4 members in the panel one chair was vacant so I thought it should belong to female member. All were well dressed and looking like very corporative.
Chairman (CM): yes! Aaiye (I was not expecting this in Hindi)
I entered in room wished all Good afternoon and stood near to the chair
M1: kal Oscar kise mila??
Me: sir, The Spotlight
M1: Are nhi nhi kis director ko mila??
Me: sir, Alejandro for the movie “The Revenant”
M2: and actor??
Me: sir, Dicaprio for the movie “The Revenant”. He won it in his 6th nomination for Oscar so far (soon I realised I showed off :/)
M1: are!!sit down? Why are you standing?
(Yes!! These three welcome questions were asked while I was standing near the chair after that they allowed me to sit)
M2: You worked for a company and then left it soon, why?
Me: due to some medical reason sir.
M2: ok!! So why did not you re-join any?
Me: when I was admitted for that medical reason that time I made my mind to prepare for govt jobs only.
M3: what is the biggest finance news of 2016?
Me: union budget 2016
M3: (not satisfied) Try again!!
Me: (thinking expression and talking to myself “Ulti karna jaruri tha”): sir, I’m not sure is it bank of japan adopts negative interest policy for the first time??
M3 : smiled and said good!!
(I relaxed a bit and thanked to my friend who asked me this question 2 weeks before, after that I read it online from various news sites.)
M3: what is this negative interest rate policy? And why japan adopted it?
Me: (answering confidently) sir, negative interest rate policy is unconventional monetary policy tool where targeted interest rates are set with a negative value. Means central bank perhaps private banks will charge negative interest instead of receiving money on deposits. Financial institutions have to pay the central bank for the privilege of parking reserves that exceed to require. And BOJ adopt this unconventional policy aims at lifting inflation from very low levels as it seeks to provide stimulus to economy.
M2: you said japan adopt it for the first time. Did any other bank adopt it before?
Me: sir, Swis national bank and bank of UK
He corrected me its bank of England
(This topic turned into a discussion we talked much about it we discussed its pros & cons .They told me about three layer of interest rate of finance institutes, effects on Indian economy by BOJ’s –ve interest policy etc. all members except chairman took part in it. Every time when I looked at him he was already looking at me listening me.)
M1: tell me a brief about RBI and its working?
Me: told everything I know
M1: how does RBI earn profit?
Me: sir, from Govt securities, repo operations and sovereign bonds treasury bills etc.
M2: What is the role of RBI in Payment and Settlement system?
Me: According to payment and settlement act 2007, RBI is mandated to regulate and Supervise Payment and Settlement system of India.
M1: what are the departments in RBI?
Me: sir, there is monetary policy department, forex and (M1 interrupted)
M1:ok ok you know much … all laughed a little
M2: do you know about NPA?
Me: Sir, NPA is a classification used by banks or financial institutes that refer to loans that are in default. Once a borrower has failed to make interest or principal for 90 days the loan is considered to be a NPA
M2: what is net NPA and how does it calculated?
Me: sir, Net NPA = Gross NPA – (Balance in Interest Suspense account + DICGC claims received and held pending adjustment + Part payment received and kept in suspense account + Total provisions held)
M3: did u watch union budget speech yesterday? 
Me: (expecting this as I omit this word in start of my interview) yes sir!!
M3: what are the catching announcements? 
Me: I told 2-3 points and then said I’m sorry sir I don’t remember He added 3-4 points and then said its okk kal hi to announce hua h..koi baat nhi
M1: u were secretary of your branch. What was your role?
 Me: told everything what I did and my role as a leader of my branch’s students.
M2: what are your hobbies? 
Me: writing poetry and short stories on social events, music, watching movies and documentaries the good one only, and reading novels.
M2: what was the last novel that u read? 
Me: train to Pakistan by Khuswant singh
Bollywood in RBI
M3: Ek song abhi 6 languages m release hua h?  konsa h wo?
 Me: sir it’s just skip from my mind (M3 helped me to recall it)
Me: sir, title track of FAN movie.
M3: accha tamil singer bta sakte ho kisne gaya h??
Me: no idea sir.
M3: Bengali?
 Me: again no idea but I told him name of music director
M1: are Bhojpuri hi bta do kisne gaya h?
Me: (I fluked this time) sir, manoj Tiwari All laughed
CM: ok so are you an UPSC aspirant? 
Me: yes sir For the first time he smiled…
CM: what was your optional subject?
Me: sir, geography
CM: what is your opinion on phase 2 pattern? 
Me: sir, I think the current MCQ pattern is good and efficient to check aspirant’s knowledge as it has MCQ pattern one has to remember every single point of particular topic.
CM: what was your optional in phase2? 
Me: finance and management
CM: why did not you choose economy?
Me: sir, I am not from Eco background can’t take risk All laughed.
CM: so you are the technical guy. Ok which is better JAVA or .NET? 
Me: Sir, JAVA
CM: Ok thank you, you may go! I wished them all have a nice day and left the room
PS: 3-4 questions were asked from my personal detail like about my father and family city etc. I skipped these questions here…While walking out of RBI building I felt that I did mistakes. I realised in some questions, I could do better and in some question I showed off much. Then I thought leave it yaar… chalo Deadpool dekhne Chalte h….. :P
:The Flash Mantra: Believe in yourself then you will become unstoppable 
Thanks for sharing your long but inspiring interview experience.
All the Best Gaurav !!!

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RBI GRADE B-INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 3, 2016 22 Minutes of ( Horror ) Fun Name: K .Gaurav (B.Tech-IT/2013) Disqus: The Flash Hey guys, I am here to share my experience of big day...

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