Questions Related with Gandhiji for SSC Exam

March 21, 2016    

1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on
(a) October 5, 1896

(b). October 3, 1840
(c) October 2, 1869
(d) October 10, 1880
Ans- c

2. At which place was Gandhiji born?
(a) Porbandar
(b) Rajkot
(c) Ahmedabad
(d) Delhi
Ans- a

3. What was Gandhiji's age when he got married to Kasturbai?
(a) 19 years
(b) 15 years
(c)12 years
(d) 13 years
Ans- d

.4. Gandhiji confessed his guilt of stealing for the purpose of smoking in a letter, promising never to steal in future and asking for adequate punishment. To whom was this letter addressed?
(a) Father
(b) Mother
(c) Elder Brother
(d) Friend

5. About how old was Gandhiji when he reached London to become a barrister?
(a) 20 years
(b) 19 years
(c) 21 years
(d) 18 years

6. To become a barrister in England, one had to join one of the Inns of Courst. After obtaining admission, Gandhiji joined the Inner Temple on
(a) October 5, 1870
(b) December 15, 1885
(c) November 6, 1888
(d) January 3, 1880

7. Devdas was Gandhiji's
(a) Only child
(b) Second child
(c) Eldest child
(d) Youngest child

8. Gandhiji, the votary of nonviolence was shot dead on January 30, 1948 at Birla House, New Delhi, shortly after 5 p.m. while going to the prayer meeting. Which was that fateful day of the week?
(a) Saturday
(b) Wednesday
(c) Friday
(d) Monday

9. In which South African unit had most of the India emigrants taken up abode?
(a) Johannesburg
(b) Natal
(c) Maritzburg
(d) Durban

10. While holding a first-class ticket Gandhiji was ordered by a railway official to shift to the van compartment. On his refusal to comply with the unjust order, a constable was called to push him out with bag and baggage. Identify the railway station where this incident took place.
(a) Natal
(b) Johannesburg
(c) Maritzburg
(d) Durban

11. At which place was Gandhiji arrested for the first time by the British Government for sedition?
(a) Bombay
(b) Pune
(c) Calcutta
(d) Ahmedabad

12. On which day of March 1930 Gandhiji started with a band of chosen volunteers on his famous Dandi March to break the law by manufacturing illegally, but openly, salt from the sea?
(a) Tenth
(b) Thirteenth
(c) Eleventh
(d) Twelfth

13. When was the Gandhi - Irwin Pact signed?
(a) March 1, 1932
(b) March 5, 1931
(c) March 10, 1935
(d) March 7, 1937

14. Subhash Chandra Bose was elected President of the Congress in 1938 with Gandhiji's goodwill. He wanted a second term, but Gandhiji did not approve of it. Despite the disapproval, Bose fought the election and won it, defeating the official candidate by over 200 votes. Gandhiji took it as a personal defeat. Identify the candidate.
(a) Lala Lajpatrai
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Pattabhi Sitaramayya
(d) Sarojini Naidu

15. On being arrested for his "Quit India" programme, where was Gandhiji detained?
(a) Yeravda Jail
(b) Byculla Prison
(c) Agakhan Palace Jail
(d) Ahmedabad Prison

16. Lord Mountbatten arrived in India on 22nd March 1947 as the new Viceroy in the place of Lord Wavell to finalise the process of the transfer of power. His first act was to invite Gandhiji to meet him in that connection. When did Gandhiji meet him for the first time?
(a) March 29, 1947
(b) March 30, 1947
(c) March 31, 1947
(d) March32, 1947
Ans- c

17. The book "Unto This Last" greatly captivated and transformed Gandhiji. So much so that he translated it into Gujarati. Who was its author?
(a) Ruskin Bond
(b) John Ruskin
(c) Leo Tolstoy
(d) Louis Fisher
Ans- b

18. Which of the following, according to Gandhiji, is an essential principle of satyagraha?
(a) Infinite capacity for suffering 
(b) Non violence
(c) Truth
(d) All the three
Ans- d

19. Gandhiji's "The Story of My Experiments with Truth" was originally written in Gujarati. Who translated it into English?
(a) Maganlal Gandhi
(b) Mahadev Desai
(c) Pyarelalji
(d) Sushila Nayyar
Ans- b

20. Which one of the following books is the work of Gandhiji?
(a) Light of India
(b) Hind Swaraj
(c) My Experiments with Truth  
(d) both (b) & (c)
Ans- d

21. Identify the year in which Birla House, New Delhi, where Gandhiji very often used to stay and where he was shot dead, was turned into a government - run Gandhi museum.
(a) 1960
(b) 1965
(c) 1971
(d) 1976
Ans- c

22. Identify the leader who last met Gandhiji for about an hour and left him just few minutes before he was shot dead on January 30, 1948 while on his way to the prayer meeting.
(a) Vallabhbhai Patel
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Vinoba Bhave
Ans- a

23. In February 1933 Gandhiji started the publication of a weekly paper, Harijan, to promote the anti - untouchability campaign. Its first issue was out on February 11, 1933 from
(a) Bombay
(b) Ahmedabad
(c) Poona
(d) Nasik
Ans- c

24. When on August 15, 1947 the transfer of power took place, the Congress President issued a message to the nation and saluted Mahatma Gandhi as "the maker of freedom achieved in a unique way." He said "never before was so great an event consummated with such little bloodshed and violence." Who was the Congress President? 
(a) J B Kripalani
(b) Vallabhai Bhai Patel
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Motilal Nehru
Ans- a

25. What did Gandhiji mean by "Swaraj"?
(a) Freedom for the country 
(b) Freedom for the meanest of the countrymen
(c) Self Government
(d) Complete Independence
Ans- b

26. When did Gandhiji take the vow of brahmacharya or celibacy of life?
(a) 1911
(b) 1906
(c) 1900
(d) 190
Ans- b

27. When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth?
(a) 1930
(b) 1921
(c) 1925
(d) 1930
Ans- b

28. Who worked a Private Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi?
(a) Pyarelalji
(b) Mahadev Desai
(c) Kishorilal Mashruwalla  
(d) Sushila Nayyar
Ans- b

29. Who in South Africa gave Gandhiji 'Unto This Last' to read which proved to be one of the most decisive books of his life?
(a) John Holmes Haynes
(b) H S Polak
(c) Hermann Kallenbach
(d) Louis Fischer
Ans-  b

30. To put the ideas of 'Unto This Last' into practice, Gandhiji founded the Phoenix Settlement near Durban which came into being in the middle of the year
(a) 1903
(b) 1904
(c) 1905
(d) 1906
Ans- b

31. Who described Gandhi's march to Dandi in the following words? "Like the historic march of Ramchandra to Lanka, the march of Gandhi will be memorable"
(a) Motilal Nehru
(b) Sarojini Naidu
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(d) Vallabhai Patel
Ans- a

32. The historic August session of the All-India Congress Committee, at which the Quit India Resolution was passed, was held at Gowali Park in __________________.
(a) Bombay
(b) Calcutta
(c) Ahmedabad
(d) Amritsar
Ans- a

33. Gandhiji accorded very high priority to communal harmony in his programme of actions. At which place did he undertake his last fast for it on January 13, 1948?
(a) Nasik
(b) Delhi
(c) Calcutta
(d) Bombay
Ans- b

34. After the attainment of political independence in 1947, Gandhiji felt that the Congress, as a propaganda vehicle and a parliamentary machine, had outlived its usefulness. So to keep the Congress away from unhealthy competition with political parties and communal bodies, Gandhiji towards the end of January 1948 sketched a draft constitution for the Congress to transform itself into
(a) Lok Samiti
(b) Lok Kalyan Sangh
(c) Lok Sevak Sangh
(d) People’s Forum
Ans- c

35. Which of the following did Gandhiji describes as his two lungs?
(a) Ahimsa and peace
(b) Ahimsa and truth
(c) Truth and Peace
(d) Brahamcharya and Aparigriha
Ans- b

36. The differences with Gandhiji led Subhas Chandra Bose to resign the Presidentship of the India National Congress in 1939. Leaving the Congress he formed a new party called
(a) Indian National Party
(b) Forward Bloc
(c) Freedom Party
(d) Freedom Bloc
Ans- b

37. Identify the Viceroy who wrote home these words after his first meeting with Gandhiji:  "Mr Gandhi's religious and moral views are, I believe, admirable, but I confess that I find it difficult to understand the practice of them in politics."
(a) Lord Wavell
(b) Lord Irwin
(c) Lord Reading
(d) Lord Mountbatten
Ans- c

38. What was the profession of  Gandhiji's father?
(a)  Farmer 
(b)  Diwan
(c)   Shop-keeper
(d)  Tehsildar
Ans- b

39 How many children did Putlibai have?
(a) Two sons and daughters    
(b) One daughter  and three sons
(c) Four sons
(d) Three sons
Ans- b

40. What was the name of Gandhi's domestic help?
(a)   Titlidai
(b)  Rambhadai
(c)   Rainadai
(d)   Gauridai
Ans- b

41.  What was the name of Gandhiji's sister?
(a) Gauri
(b) Raliat
(c) Rambha
(d) Meera
Ans- b

42.Who inspired Gandhi with ' Ram Nam' in his childhood?
(a)   Kasturba
(b)   Putlibai
(c)   Rambha Dai
(d)  Lakshmi Das
Ans- c

43.  What was Gandhiji's nickname in childhood?
(a) Monu
(b)   Manu or Moniya
(c)   Sonu
(d)   Mahu
Ans- b

44. Which spelling did Gandhiji spell wrong as a child when the school inspector gave dictation to the class?
(a)   School  
(b)   Kettle
(c)   Uniform
(d)   Umbrella
Ans-  b

45. Where did Gandhiji receive his primary education?
(a)   Sudampuri
(b)   Bikaner
(c)   Porbander
(d)   Rajkot
Ans- d

46. Which mythological character impressed Gandhiji for life when he saw a play on his life?
(a) Harishchandra
(b) Ashoka
(c) Vikramaditya
(d) Krishna
Ans- a

47. Who asked Gandhiji to eat meat in order to become strong?
(a) Sheikh Mehtab
(b) Karsan Das
(c) Lakshmi Das
(d) Uka
Ans- a

48.  How old was Gandhiji when his father died?
(a) 15 years
(b) 17 years
(c) 16years
(d) 18 years

49. In which year did Gandhiji pass his matriculation in England ?
(a) 1889
(b) 1890
(c) 1891
(d) 1892
Ans- c

50. What were the vows taken up by Gandhiji before he left for England?
(a) Not to take alcohol
(b) Not  to eat meat
(c) Not to eye other women 
(d) A ll the above
Ans- d

51. Which institution did Gandhiji join as a member during his stay  in England?
(a)   Vegetarian Society
(b) Cricket Club
(c) Church of England
(d) Film Institution
Ans- a

52. Which book influenced Gandhiji greatly, which he read in England?
(a)  Be Vegetarian
(b)  Vegetables are good for health
(c) Plea  for Vegetarianism  
(d) Use of  Vegetables
Ans- c

Questions Related with Gandhiji for SSC Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 21, 2016 1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on (a) October 5, 1896 (b). October 3, 1840 (c) October 2, 1869 (d) October 10, 1880 Ans- c ...

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