Night Class: Quant Quiz

March 22, 2016    

Directions: Study the following pie-charts carefully and answer the questions given below:
Number of students studying in different colleges in the year 2013 and 2014 from state 'A'

1. What was the percentage increase in the number of students in college C5 in the year 2014 as compared to the year 2013?
2. In which of the following colleges was the per cent increase in the number of students the minimum in 2014 from 2013?
3. In which college there was decrease in the number of students from 2013 to 2014?
4. In the year 2013, the number of students studying in college C1 and C2 together is approximately what percent of the number of students studying in these colleges together in 2014?
5. What was the ratio of the number of students studying in college C6 in year 2013 to that in 2014 in the same college?
1) 25 : 26 
2) 25 : 27 
3) 23 : 26 
4) 22 : 27 
5) 23 : 25
Directions : Each question below is followed by two statements A and B. You have to determine whether the data given in the statement is sufficient to answer the question. You should use the data and your knowledge of mathematics to choose between the possible answers. Give answer:
1) if the statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement B alone is not sufficient.
2) if the statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question, but the statement A alone is not sufficient.
3) if the both statement A and B together are needed to answer the question.
4) if either the statement A alone or B alone is sufficient to answer the question.
5) if you cannot get the answer from the statements A and B together, but needed even more data.
6. What is the perimeter of a semicircle?
A. The radius of the semi-circle is half of the length of the rectangle.
B. Area of rectangle is 234 cm2.
7. What is the ratio of two number N1 and N2?
A. 30% of N1 is 40% of 90.
B. 20% of N2 is 36% of 50.
8. What are the marks scored by Atul in Science?
A. Marks scored by Atul in Science is 40% of the marks obtained by him in Maths i.e 80.
B. Marks scored by Atul in Science and English is 180.

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Night Class: Quant Quiz 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 22, 2016 Directions: Study the following pie-charts carefully and answer the questions given below: Number of students studying in different colleg...

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