Lakshmi Vilas Bank: Probationary Clerks / Probationary Officers Admit Card Out

March 14, 2016    

The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd has released the Admit Card of online exam for recruitment of Probationary Clerks & Officers for pan India operations.
The online exam for Probationary Clerks to be conducted on 19th March 2016.
The online exam for Probationary Officers to be conducted on 20th March 2016.

 Click here to download the Probationary Officer Handout
 Click here to download the Probationary Clerk Handout
 Click here to download the Admit Card (Probationary Officer)
 Click here to download the Admit Card (Probationary Clerk)

Lakshmi Vilas Bank: Probationary Clerks / Probationary Officers Admit Card Out 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 14, 2016 The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd has released the Admit Card of online exam for recruitment of Probationary Clerks & Officers for pan India op...

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