1. Which of the following does not require external water for fertilization?
a) Mosses
b) Ferns
c) Cycads
d) Liverworts
2.The transfusion tissue is present in the _________ leaves.
a) Dryopteris
b) Cycas
c) Pinus
d) Cycas and Pinus
3. The natural cycling of carbon between the organisms and the environment is accomplished
through the process of
a) Photosynthesis and respiration
b) Radiation and immigration
c) Fermentation and oxidation
d) Isolation and dispersal
4. Motile sperm cells are found in all the following except:
a) Cycas
b) Funaria
c) Pteris
d) Rhizopus
5. __________ is an example of symbiotic association of an organism.
a) Alage
b) Fungi
c) Bacteria
d) Root nodule of legume plant
6. __________ is the edible part of Pinus seed.
a) Pericap
b) Female gametophyte
c) Diploid perisperm
d) Endosprem
7.Quiescent centre is present in
a) Root apex
b) Shoot apex
c) Vegetative apex
d) Flower apex
8.Tunica and Corpus organization occurs in
a) Root apex
b) Shoot apex
c) Cambium
d) Inter-calary meristems
9. _________ is an example of a free floating hydrophyte.
a) Eichhornia
b) Vallisneria
c) Nymphaea
d) Typha
10.Genes for antibiotic resitance are located in
a) Chromosome DNA
b) Plasmid
c) RNA
d) Polymerase
Note : Answers will be updated soon............
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