Science Quiz for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL,SSC CPO

February 15, 2016    

1. Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerisation of–
A methane 
B styrene
C acetylene
D ethylene 

2. Which of the following elements is non-radioactive?
A Uranium 
B Thorium
C Plutonium 
D Zirconium 

3. Which of the following is in liquid form at room temperature ?
A Cerium 
B Sodium
C Francium 
D Lithium 

4. The total amount of energy assimilated by plant during photosynthesis is called as:
a Gross primary production 
b Gross tropic energy
c Biomass
d Net primary production

5. Acromegaly is caused by irregular secretion of 
A Pituitary
B Adrenal
C Thyroid
D Pancreas

6. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called 
A osmosis
B active transport
C diffusion
D passive transport

7.The primary source of carbohydrates are ?
A marine animals
B crude oil
C plants
D coal-far

8.Who discovered the Polio vaccine ?
A Louis Pasteur
B Jonas Salk
C Konrad Zuse
D Eli Whitney

9.The largest part of the human brain is ?
A Medulla oblongata
B Cerebellum
C Cerebrum
D Mid-brain

10. The lining of marrow cavity is called ?
A Episteum
B Periosteum
C Endosteum
D Sarcolemma

Answers will be provided soon 

Science Quiz for SSC CGL ,SSC CHSL,SSC CPO 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 15, 2016 1. Polythene is industrially prepared by the polymerisation of– A methane  B styrene C acetylene D ethylene  2. Which of the follo...

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