Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 7th August

August 7, 2018    

Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affairs section is taken on the light note but plays a vital role in achieving the score required to cross the cut off marks.We are providing important Static GK for this, it will help you to score good in GA section if you regularly follow the contents provided on sscadda website and adda247 app regarding general knowledge important questions.We wish you the best wishes for all the upcoming exams.

Q1. Which of the following country has recently announced new plans to change the law for organ and tissue donation to address the urgent need for organs within the Indian-origin communities in the country?
निम्नलिखित में से किस देश ने हाल ही में भारतीय मूल समुदायों के भीतर अंगों की तत्काल आवश्यकता को संबोधित करने के लिए अंग और ऊतक दान के लिए कानून बदलने के लिए नई योजनाओं की घोषणा की है?  
(a) USA/अमेरीका
(b) UK/ग्रेटब्रिटेन
(c) Canada/कनाडा
(d) France/फ्रांस
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Sol. The UK government has announced new plans to change the law for organ and tissue donation to address the urgent need for organs within the Indian-origin communities in the country. The proposed new system of consent for organ and tissue donation is expected to come into effect in England in 2020, as part of a drive to help Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people desperately waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Q2. The iconic Mughalsarai Railway Junction in Uttar Pradesh has been renamed as _______________. 
उत्तर प्रदेश में प्रतिष्ठित मुगलसराय रेलवे जंक्शन का नाम बदलकर _______________ कर दिया गया है
(a) Lal Bahadur Shastri Railway station/लाल बहादुर शास्त्री रेलवे स्टेशन
(b) Madan Mohan Malviya Railway station/मदन मोहन मालवीय रेलवे स्टेशन
(c) Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Railway station/दीन दयाल उपाध्याय रेलवे स्टेशन
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Railway station/राजा राम मोहन रेलवे स्टेशन
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Sol. The iconic Mughalsarai Railway Junction in Uttar Pradesh has been renamed as Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Junction Railway station. BJP National President Amit Shah  inaugurated the renamed station. A goods train with an all-woman crew was also flagged off.

Q3. In Women’s Hockey World Cup 2018, which of the following team has been crowned the world champions for a record eighth time? 
महिला हॉकी विश्व कप 2018 में, आठ बार के रिकॉर्ड के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किस टीम को चैंपियन का ताज पहनाया गया है? 
(a) India/भारत
(b) Ireland/आयरलैंड
(c) Spain/स्पेन
(d) The Netherlands/नीदरलैंड्स
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Sol. In Women’s Hockey World Cup 2018, the Netherlands has been crowned the world champions for a record eighth time. The defending champions recorded a stunning 6-0 victory over Ireland in the summit clash at London, UK to extend their unbeaten run in all competitions to 32 matches.

Q4. Gaganjeet Bhullar recently grabbed his maiden European Tour title at the Fiji International in Natadola Bay. He is related with which of the following sports? 
गगनजीत भुल्लर ने हाल ही में नाताडोला खाड़ी में फिजी इंटरनेशनल में अपना पहला यूरोपीय टूर खिताब जीता. वह निम्नलिखित में से किस खेल से संबंधित है? 
(a) Chess/शतरंज
(b) Racing/रेसिंग
(c) Golf/गोल्फ़
(d) Table Tennis/टेबल टेनिस
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Sol. Indian Golfer Gaganjeet Bhullar grabbed his maiden European Tour title at the Fiji International in Natadola Bay. He won with a one-stroke win over a charging Anthony Quayle of Australia. It was Bhullar’s first win on the European Tour, ninth Asian Tour title and 10th crown overall.

Q5. Name the city in which Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launched the Defence India Startup Challenge to build an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in defence sector.
 उस शहर का नाम बताइए जिसमें रक्षा मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण ने रक्षा क्षेत्र में नवाचार और उद्यमशीलता का पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र बनाने के लिए डिफेन्स इंडिया स्टार्टअप चैलेंज लांच किया है?
(a) New Delhi/नई दिल्ली
(b) Mumbai/मुंबई
(c) Pune/पुणे
(d) Bengaluru/बेंगलुरु
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Sol. Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman launched the Defence India Startup Challenge in Bengaluru, Karnataka. The challenge was launched with a vision to build an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship in defence sector and make India self-reliant for meeting defence requirements.

Q6. Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa recently won the country’s landmark election in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe got independence from Britain in ____________. 
जिम्बाब्वे के राष्ट्रपति एमर्सन मनांगाग्वा ने देश के ऐतिहासिक चुनावों में जीत दर्ज कर ली है. ज़िम्बाब्वे को ____________ में ब्रिटेन से आजादी प्राप्त हुई.
(a) 1956
(b) 1980
(c) 1976
(d) 1989
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Sol. Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa narrowly won the country’s landmark election in Zimbabwe.  He is a former ally of Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe got independence from Britain in 1980. Harare is the Capital city of Zimbabwe.

Q7. PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) and CNI have signed an MoU to establish India-Nepal Centre. CNI stands for _____________. 
PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) और CNI ने भारत-नेपाल केंद्र स्थापित करने के लिए समझौता ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किये हैं.. CNI का पूर्ण रूप क्या है?
(a) Chamber of Nepalese Industries
(b) Community of Nepalese Industries
(c) Confederation of Nepalese Industries
(d) Conference of Nepalese Industries
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Sol. PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) and Confederation of Nepalese Industries (CNI) have signed an MoU to establish India-Nepal Centre. It will further strengthen economic engagement between the two countries. The MoU was signed by Anil Khaitan, President of PHDCCI and Hari Bhakta Sharma, President of CNI in Kathmandu. 

Q8. The 51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting was held recently in __________. 
51 वीं आसियान विदेश मंत्रियों की बैठक हाल ही में __________ में आयोजित की गई थी.
(a) Geneva/जिनेवा
(b) New York/न्यूयॉर्क
(c) Paris/पेरिस
(d) Singapore/सिंगापुर
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Sol. The 51st ASEAN Foreign Ministers meeting was held recently in Singapore. Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong chaired the meeting.

Q9. In the 29th meeting, GST council approves cash incentives to promote Digital transactions. Finance Minister announced how many percent Cashback for the Digital Transactions done via BHIM, Rupay or USSD mode? 
29वीं बैठक में, जीएसटी परिषद ने डिजिटल लेनदेन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए वित्त मंत्री ने BHIM, Rupay या USSD मोड के माध्यम से किए गए डिजिटल लेनदेन पर कितने प्रतिशत कैशबैक की घोषणा की है?
(a) 5%
(b) 10%
(c) 15%
(d) 20%
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Sol. In the 29th meeting, GST council approves cash incentives to promote Digital transactions. Finance Minister Piyush Goyal announces 20%  Cashback upto Rs 100 for the Digital Transactions done via BHIM, Rupay or USSD mode.

Q10. The Women’s Hockey World Cup 2018 was hosted by ____________. 
महिला हॉकी विश्व कप 2018 की मेजबानी ____________ द्वारा की गई थी.
(a) UK/यूके
(b) India/भारत
(c) The Netherlands/नीदरलैंड्स
(d) Spain/स्पेन
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Sol. The Women’s Hockey World Cup 2018 was hosted by London, UK.

Q11. Japan has pipped which of the following country as the world's number two stock market, according to a Bloomberg report? 
ब्लूमबर्ग रिपोर्ट के अनुसार जापान ने दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा स्टॉक मार्केट बनने के लिए किस देश को पीछे छोड़ दिया है?
(a) India/भारत
(b) France/फ्रांस
(c) China/चीन
(d) Italy/इटली
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Sol. Japan has pipped China as the world's number two stock market, according to a Bloomberg report. At one of the time, the Chinese market was worth $6.09 trillion next to Japan's $6.17 trillion.

Q12. Name the PepsiCo CEO who will step down in October 2018 after serving for 12 years as the top boss at the global beverage giant, PepsiCo.
PepsiCo के मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी का नाम बताइए जो वैश्विक पेय कंपनी में सबसे बड़े पद पर 12 वर्ष तक सेवा करने के बाद अक्टूबर 2018 में अपना पद छोड़ देंगी.  
(a) Deepti Tuli/दीप्ति तुली
(b) Indra Nooyi/इंद्रा नूयी
(c) Indu Malhotra/इंदु मल्होत्रा
(d) Indrani Bannerjee/इंद्राणी बनर्जी
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Sol. PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi will step down in October after serving for 12 years as the top boss at the global beverage giant, PepsiCo. Indian-origin Indra Nooyi was the first ever woman to be appointed the CEO at PepsiCo, in the year 2006. She will be succeeded by company President Ramon Laguarta.

Q13. ______________ has launched the Startup Academia Alliance programme to fulfill the Indian Government’s mission to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country.
______________ ने देश में उद्यमिता की भावना को बढ़ावा देने के भारत सरकार के मिशन को पूरा करने के लिए स्टार्टअप अकादमिक गठबंधन कार्यक्रम शुरू किया है.
(a) Ministry of Labour and Employment/श्रम और रोजगार मंत्रालय
(b) Finance Ministry/वित्त मंत्रालय
(c) Startup India/स्टार्टअप इंडिया
(d) NITI Aayog/नीति आयोग
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Sol. Startup India has launched the Startup Academia Alliance programme, which is a unique mentorship opportunity between academic scholars and startups working in similar domains, to fulfill the Indian Government’s mission to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship in the country.

Q14. Saudi Arabia has recently announced that it is freezing all new trade and investment with ____________ over its interference in its internal affairs. 
सऊदी अरब ने हाल ही में घोषणा की है कि उसके आंतरिक मामलों में हस्तक्षेप के कार्य वह ____________ के साथ सभी नए व्यापार और निवेश को प्रतिबंधित कर रहा है. 
(a) France/फ्रांस
(b) Russia/रूस
(c) UK/ग्रेटब्रिटेन
(d) Canada/कनाडा
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Sol. Saudi Arabia has announced that it is freezing all new trade and investment with Canada over its interference in its internal affairs.

Q15. What is the currency of Saudi Arabia? 
सऊदी अरब की मुद्रा क्या है?
(a) Saudi riyal/सऊदी रियाल
(b) Saudi dirham/सऊदी दिरहम
(c) Saudi baht/सऊदी बाहट
(d) Saudi dinar/सऊदी दिनार
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Sol. Saudi Arabia Capital: Riyadh, Currency: Saudi riyal.

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Important Current Affairs Questions for RRB ALP/Technician Exam 2018: 7th August 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 7, 2018 Dear Readers, SSC CHSL examination & Railway Exam both will be conducted in online mode. GA on current affair...

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