Reasoning Quiz for Upcoming Exams

February 11, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and SO Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solve these questions.

Directions(Q.1-10) In these questions a relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer

A)if only conclusion I is true
B)if only conclusion II is true
C)if either conclusion I or II is true.
D)if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
E)if both conclusion I and II is true.

1. Statements: C >S≥R<U, N>R=P
 Conclusions: I. C>P  II. S>P

2. Statements: Q=W>X≤B, L>W
Conclusions: I. L>B  II. Q<L

3. Statements: H<S=T≥Y, V>S
Conclusions: I. V>Y  II. H>V

For Ques(4-5). Statements: J≤K<L=N, J≥C=Q<B

4.Conclusions: I. B≥K  II. Q≤L

5.Conclusions: I. N>C  II. K≥Q

6.  Statements:  B≥N=S>L, P≥N
Conclusions: I. B≥L  II. P>L

7. Statements: Q>M≥K<R, H≤Q
Conclusions: I. H>K  II. Q>R

8. Statements: L≥M=N, C<I≤N
Conclusions: I. M>I  II. L>C

9.Statements:  S=T≤Q, P>J≥S
Conclusions: I. P>T  II. J≥Q

10.Statements: W<X=S>Y=Z
Conclusions: I. X>Z  II. Z<S

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. E
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. A

Reasoning Quiz for Upcoming Exams 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 11, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirant's  practice Reasoning questions for LIC AAO and SO Exam . Try to solve these questions  and share time taken to solv...

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