English Practice Set-4 For LIC, SO and Railways

January 7, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions and share your attempt.

English Questions- phrase replacement

In English section  Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the Blanks , rearrangement, spotting errors play important role in  exam.

Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

Delinking of jobs from degrees is one of the (1) features of our education (2). There has been a (3) fall in (4) in the academic field in recent years. There is a (5) of degree holders in the country. As a result, university degrees have (6) their value and charm while the number of students in colleges and universities of the country has been (7) rising. Consequently, thousands of graduates and postgraduates come out of these institutions and stand in queues waiting to get some (8) jobs (9) in the country. Moreover, these degree holders do not have any technical or vocational knowledge needed for a particular job. As a result, the number of educated unemployed has been rising (10). It has created a very serious problem.
1) minor
2) trivial
3) unachievable
4) irrelevant
5) salient

1) process
2) policy
3) development
4) guideline
5) procedures

1) expected
2) sheer
3) rough
4) steep
5) gentle

1) assessment
2) evaluation
3) competence
4) fees
5) value

1) flood
2) class
3) party
4) mob
5) rabble

1) mislaid
2) lost
3) increase
4) found
5) establish

1) slowly
2) hastily
3) deeply
4) gradually
5) steadily

1) prestigious
2) trivial
3) menial
4) academic
5) managerial

1) occurring
2) posted
3) created
4) available
5) advertised

1) exponentially
2) awfully
3) terribly
4) fast
5) incalculably


English Practice Set-4 For LIC, SO and Railways 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 7, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Ques...

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