Practice Quant Quiz Set-20 for LIC and railways

February 23, 2016    

 Dear Bank Aspirants practice Quant Questions for upcoming LIC Exam, Railway and other exams. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions  and your attempt.

Practice Quant Quiz Set-7 for LIC , SO and railways
Practice Quant Questions for Bank , Railway and LIC Exam.

Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following bar-diagrams carefully and answer the questions given below it. The bar-diagrams represent the total profit (in Rs. crore) and percentage profit of four cosmetics companies during the four years 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 

1).What is the sum of the expenditures of all the four companies together in the year 2011?  (Approximate)
a)    Rs. 710 crore
b)    Rs. 675.7 crore
c)    Rs. 719 crore
d)    Rs. 659 crore
e)    Rs. 778 crore

2).What is the sum of the incomes of all the four companies in the year 2013?      
a)    Rs. 1086.67 crore
b)    Rs. 897 crore
c)    Rs. 1051.6 crore
d)    Rs. 959.75 crore
e)    None of these

3).The total profit of all the four companies in the year 2010 is approximately what per cent of the sum of their expenditures in the same year?
a)    Rs. 25.07%
b)    Rs. 21.39%
c)    Rs. 17.24%
d)    Rs. 19.33%
e)    Rs. 14.39%

4).What is the ratio of the sum of the expenditures of Company B during all the given years to that of Company D in the same period?
a)    20:23
b)    23:20
c)    21:25
d)    25:21
e)    None of these

5).What is the ratio of the sum of the income of Company C in the year 2011 and 2013 together to that of Company A during the same period?
a)    60:41
b)    210:151
c)    105:101
d)    61:42
e)    41:60

Directions (Q.6-10): Answer the questions based on the following graphs assuming that there is no fixed-cost component and all the units produced are sold in the same year.

6).In which of the following years per unit cost is the maximum?
a)    2007
b)    2008
c)    2006
d)    2010
e)    2012

7).What is the average of quantities sold during the period 2006 to 2010?
a)    129
b)    163
c)    176
d)    117
e)    141

8).If the selling price per unit decreases by 25% during 2005 to 2008 and the cost per unit increases by 25% during 2009 to 2012, then during how many years there is no profit or loss?
a)    Three
b)    Five
c)    One
d)    Four
e)    Two

9).If the selling price per unit decreased by 25% during 2005 to 2008 and the cost price per unit increased by 25% during 2009 to 2012 then the cumulative for the entire period 2005 to 2012 decreased by
a)    Rs. 4875
b)    Rs. 3765
c)    Rs. 5325
d)    Rs. 3375
e)    None of these

10).What is the average cost during the period 2005 to 2012?
a)    Rs. 1625
b)    Rs. 1800
c)    Rs. 1475
d)    Rs. 1725
e)    None of these

1). e)  
2). a)  
3). c)  
4). e)  
5). a)  
6). d)  
7). e)  
8). c)  
9). e)  
10). a)

1). Expenditure = (Profit×100)/profit%
Expenditure of company A
= 40/25×100 = Rs. 160 crore
Similarly, in B = (50/12.5)×100 = Rs. 400 crore
In Company C = (30/20)×100 = Rs. 150 crore
In Company D = (20/30)×100 = Rs. 66.67 crore
Total expenditure = 160+400+150+66.67 = 776.67 = 778 crore

2). Income = [profit (100+p %)]/p%
Income of company A = [60(100+40)]/40
= 210 crore
Income B = [50(100+30)]/30 = Rs. 216.67 crore
Income C = [70(100+20)]/20 = Rs. 420 crore
Income D = [40(100+20)]/20 = 240 crore
Total income = 210+216.67+420+240 = Rs. 1086.67 crore

3). Expenditure of company A2010
= (30×100)/15 = Rs. 200 crore
ExpB= (20×100)/25 = Rs. 80 crore
Expc= (40×100)/20 = Rs. 200 crore
ExpD = (10×100)/10 = Rs. 100 crore
Total expenditure = Rs. 580 crore
Total profit = 30+20+40+10 = Rs. 100 crore
Required % = (100/580)×100 = 17.24%

4). Required ratio:
= [(20/25)×100+(50/12.5)×100+(20/30)×100+(50/30)×100]/[(10/10)×100+(20/30)×100+(60/20)×100+(40/20)×100]
= [80+400+(200/3)+(500/3)]/[(100+(200/3)+300+200]
= (240+1200+200+500)/3×3/300+200+900+60
= 2140/2000 = 107/100 = 107:100

5). Required ratio = [(30×120)/20]+[(70×120)/20]/[(40/25)×125)+(60×140)/40]
= (1800+420)/(200+210) = 600/410 = 60:41

6). suppose x units are produced each year.
In year 2006, Total revenue = 300
Then, 15x = 3000
Or, x = 200
Profit = 1000
Cost price = 3000-1000 = 2000
Cost price unit = 2000/200 = Rs. 10
In year 2007, 25x = 3000
Cost per unit = 1500/120 = Rs. 12.5
In year 2008, 25x=4000
Cost per unit = 2000/160 = Rs. 12.5
In year 2010, 30x = 3000   x=100
Cost per unit = 1500/100 = Rs. 15
In year 2010, 15x = 3000    x=200
Cost per unit = 500/200 = Rs. 2.5
Hence in 2010 cost price per unit is the maximum

7). Total units in 2006
Revenue/Selling price per unit = 3000/15 = 200
Similarly, in 2007 = 3000/25 = 120
In 2008 = 4000/25 = 160
In 2009 = 2500/20 =125
In 2010 = 3000/30=100
Average of units sold
= (200+120+160+125+100)/5=705/5=141

9). Total decrease in Revenue
= 25% of (3500+3000+3000+4000)
= 3375
Total increase in cost = 25% of (2000+1500+1500+500)
= 1375
Decrease in cumulative profit = Total decrease in revenue + Total increase in cost = 3375+1375 = Rs. 4750

10). Cost = Revenue – Profit
Cost in 2005 = 3500-1500=2000
Similarly, 2006=3000-1000=2000
   Average = (2000+2000+1500+2000+2000+1500+1500+500)/8
= 13000/8 = Rs. 1625

Practice Quant Quiz Set-20 for LIC and railways 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 23, 2016   Dear Bank Aspirants practice Quant Questions for upcoming LIC Exam, Railway and other exams. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share...

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