Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL

February 29, 2016    

Today’s Word from The Hindu

1. Ransack
•Meaning: Steal goods; take as spoils; Search thoroughly
•Synonym: pillage, loot, maraud
•Antonym: protect, offer, neaten
•Sentence:During the earthquake people ransacked the stores that were deserted by their owners

2. Adroit
•Meaning: Quick or skilful or adept in action or thought
•Synonym: masterful, ingenious, crackerjack
•Antonym: clumsy, incompetent, unskilled
•Sentence:His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers

3. Foster
•Meaning: Promote the growth of
•Synonym: cultivate, nurture, stimulate
•Antonym: cease, starve, dampen
•Sentence:Hopes that things might work out all right in the end arose to cheer him, and there was much to foster such an idea.

4. Drubbing
•Meaning: A sound defeat; Beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight
•Synonym: beating, trouncing, walloping
•Antonym: fail, surrender, lose
•Sentence:We drubbed the other team on Sunday

5. Parch
•Meaning: Cause to wither or parch from exposure to heat
•Synonym: scorch, blister, desiccate
•Antonym: freeze, moisten, grow
•Sentence:May it parch their throats, as if they had been breathing the Simon

6. Hysterical
•Meaning: Marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion
•Synonym: agitated, passionate, vehement
•Antonym: apathetic, indifferent, unenthusiastic
•Sentence:The audiences cheered and cried and let themselves go in the hysterical manner of people wrought up by great national excitement

7. Rummage
•Meaning: A jumble of things to be given away; A thorough search for something (often causing disorder or confusion)
•Synonym: forage, delve, disarray
•Antonym: arrange, systematize, soothe
•Sentence:He gave the attic a good rummage but couldn't find his skis

8. Volte-face
•Meaning: A major change in attitude, principle or point of view
•Synonym: contraposition, tergiversation, turnabout
•Antonym: stagnation, corroboration, validation
•Sentence:Bulgaria's present volte-face is no chance product of panic, but a logical step in her national policy.

9. Heckle
•Meaning: A comb for separating flax fibres; Challenge aggressively
•Synonym: badger, ridicule, discomfit
•Antonym: promote, reassure, encourage
•Sentence:A few Southern sympathizers who attempted to heckle the speakers were quickly shouted down.

•Meaning: Run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
•Synonym: decamp, flee, hightail
•Antonym: abide, endure, yield
•Sentence:The accountant absconded with the cash from the safe

All The Best!!!

Hindu Word Meaning for SSC CGL 2016, SSC CPO, SSC CHSL 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu February 29, 2016 Today’s Word from The Hindu 1. Ransack •Meaning: Steal goods; take as spoils; Search thoroughly •Synonym: pillage, loot, maraud •An...

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