Practice English Quiz for LIC AAO and Syndicate PO Set-1

January 4, 2016    

Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Questions and share time taken to solve these Mixed Questions and share your attempt.

English Questions- phrase replacement

In English section  Comprehension, Cloze test, Fill in the Blanks , rearrangement, spotting errors play important role in  exam.

Directions (1- 5): Read each sentence to find our whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it the error,if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Ignore the error of punctuation, if any.

1. While undergoing a 1) / strenuous workout, 2) / he suffered a massive heart attack 3) / but luckily survival. 4) / No error 5)

2. He thinks that 1) / once he paid money 2) / he is relieved of 3)/ all his responsibilities. 4)/ No error 5)

3. Taking care of yourself 1) / cannot be 2)/ and should not be considered 3) / as a selfish thing. 4) / No error 5)

4. People express their expectations 1) / that their leaders should not 2)/ resorting to 3)/ corrupt practices and nepotism. 4) / No error 5)

5. We as the editors of 1) / a popular magazine would like to 2) / know what are other topics most 3)/ on people’s minds. 4) / No error 5)

Direction (6- 10):In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

6. Mr. Srinivasan is________ to become Chairman of the group ________ the retirement of his father.
1) set, following
2) voted, subsequent
3) Selected, despite
4) Approved, because
5) decided, after

7. ________ to your error the ________ consignment has been delayed by a week.
1) According, important
2) Duly, urgent
3) Owing, entire
4) Added, crucial
5) Admitting, special

8. On account of the ________ in sales the software firm has achieved an eight per cent ________ in net profit.
1) surge, fall
2) increase, rise
3) decline, slope
4) hike, loss
5) growth, advance

9. We are proud to say that today ________ 26 per cent of our total accounts are ________ by women and senior citizens.
1) approximate, held
2) nearly, authorised
3) over, maintain
4) above, open
5) around, operated

10. The company has ________ special training to employees on ________ to trade online.
1) announced, benefits
2) offered, course
3) imparted, risks
4) sanction, skills
5) provided, how

1. 4; Replace survival with survive.
2. 2; Replace paid with has paid
3. 2; Delete be
4. 3; Replace resorting with resort.
5. 3; are should be come after the subject topics
6. 1
7. 3
8. 2
9. 5
10. 5

Practice English Quiz for LIC AAO and Syndicate PO Set-1 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 4, 2016 Dear Bank Aspirants we are providing practice English questions set for LIC AAO and Syndicate manipal PO exam. Try to solve these Mixed Ques...

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