General Awareness Quiz Railway CPO Exam

January 14, 2016    

1) In which case a joint session of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is convened by the President?  Incorrect?
A.When a Finance Bill is to be passed by the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha with 2/3rd majority
B.To impeach the President
C.If after a bill has been passed by one House and transmitted to the other House and the bill is rejected by the other House
D. All of the above

2) 44th Amendment of the Constitution speaks of 
(A) Right to property as no longer a Fundamental Right
(B) Suspension of individual liberty during emergency
(C) Barring the courts from interfering in the disputes regarding the election of Prime Minister
(D) Giving more importance to Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights

3) Finance Commission is appointed after every  
 (A) 2 years
 (B) 5 years
 (C) 7 years
 (D)10 years

4) Rolling Plan can be best defined in context of India as ? 
(A) Formulation of annual plans
(B) Perspective of Five-Year Plan with the provision of extending by one year at a time so that there be a constant planning horizon of five years
(C) Aims and achievements reviewed every year in a Five-Year Plan
(D) Plan for full 5 years

5) Council of Ministers of the Union of India is responsible to the 
(A) Parliament
(B) President
(C) Prime Minister
(D) Chief Justice

6) The word “secular” denotes 
(A) Keeping away from all religions
(B) Belief in one God
(C) Freedom of religion and worship to all citizens
(D) Practising different 

7) Mixed economy refers to ? 
(A) The coexistence of heavy, small scale and cottage industries
(B) The promotion of agriculture as well as cottage industries
(C) The coexistence of rich as well as poor
(D) Co-existence of public as well as private sector

8) The term ‘Fourth Estate’ refers to 
(A) A very backward State
(B) Judiciary
(C) Parliament
(D) Press

9) Qantas Airways belongs to 
(A) Australia
(B) West Germany
(D) New Zealand

10) Range of Television Broadcasting is confined to a limited distance because  
 (A) Long waves are used
 (B) Short waves are absorbed by atmosphere
 (C) Energy of the waves is dissipated
 (D) Earth is spherical in shape

11) Another name of Vitamin C is? 
(A) Folic acid
(B) Ascorbic acid
(C) Niacin
(D) Acetic acid

12. The rate of growth ofa natural population 
(A) Always reaches the carrying capacity of the ecosystem 
(B) Is limited by t carrying capacity of the ecosystem
(C) When graphec always has a positive slope 
(D) Is calculated by subtracting death rate from birth rate

13. In the past decade, which of the following has NOT been a major cause of the increase in the world's population? 
(A) Longer life span 
(B) Lower infant mortality 
(C) Increase in birth rate 
(D) Improved sanitation

14.Distribution of plant on the various part of earth—
(A Biogeography 
(B) Zoogeography 
(C) Phytogeography 
(D) Geography 

15. Study of fruit is called—
(A) Spermology 
(B) Anthology 
(C) Pedology 
(D) Pomology 

General Awareness Quiz Railway CPO Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu January 14, 2016 1) In which case a joint session of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha is convened by the President?  Incorrect? A.When a Finance Bill is to be...

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