Dear Students, SSC CGL 2017 Exam will be conducted from 1st August to 20 August 2017. For vocabulary related questions, you need to read a lot and memorize the words so that you can answer all the questions based on vocab. Your reading habit can make all the difference. If you are not able to read a newspaper for SSC Exam, here we are providing vocab words based on the Hindu newspaper editorial.
1.Encomium (noun)
Meaning: a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly.
Synonyms: eulogy, speech of praise, panegyric, paean, accolade, tribute, testimonial, compliment.
Example: When Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump shake hands and perhaps embrace each other next week, the mandatory encomiums about India and U.S. being the world’s largest and oldest democracies, respectively, would have a sombre undertone to them. Both these democracies are passing through testing times.
Meaning: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.
Synonyms: out of place, out of keeping, inappropriate, unsuitable, unsuited, not in harmony.
Example: This internal debate on democracy is also testing the resilience of institutional checks and balances, the bedrock of both democracies. While both India and the U.S are pondering over the values that define them as nations, talking of shared values — the bond between the two countries — may sound incongruous.
3.Repudiation (noun)
Meaning: rejection of a proposal or idea., denial of the truth or validity of something.
Example: The other shared bond is of interests. America is deeply divided on what its national interests are. It is unable to decide who are its friends and who are its enemies. Indian commentators have over the years admired America for its single-minded pursuit of its strategic culture, its ability and willingness to use military power to change the course of world politics. But the Trump movement is based on a public repudiation of this strategic culture.
4.Culmination (noun)
Meaning: the highest or climactic point of something, especially as attained after a long time.
Synonyms: climax, pinnacle, peak, high point, highest point, height, high water mark, top, summit, crest, zenith, crowning moment, apotheosis.
Example: The imprisonment of Justice C.S. Karnan, who recently retired as a judge of the Calcutta High Court, for contempt is the culmination of a series of unfortunate and unpleasant developments
5.Pragmatic (adjective)
Meaning: dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations., relating to philosophical or political pragmatism.
Example: However, a Supreme Court that allowed him to enter the hallowed portals of the higher judiciary would have done better had it adopted a more pragmatic approach.
6.Disdainful (adjective)
Meaning: showing contempt or lack of respect.
Synonyms: contemptuous, scornful, full of contempt, derisive, sneering, withering, slighting, disparaging, disrespectful, condescending, patronizing, supercilious, haughty, superior, arrogant, proud, snobbish, lordly, aloof, indifferent, dismissive.
Example: "with a last disdainful look, she turned towards the door"
7.Recalcitrant (adjective)
Meaning: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline.
Example: The absence of a mechanism to discipline recalcitrant judges is another glaring lacuna in the existing system.
8.Banality (noun)
Meaning: the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality.
Synonyms: triteness, platitudinousness, vapidity, pedestrianism, conventionality, predictability, staleness, unimaginativeness, lack of originality, lack of inspiration, prosaicness.
Example: The National Health Policy (NHP), 2017, is long on banalities and short on specifics. In a somewhat glaring omission, little has been said about the rapid rise in the share of the old — i.e. 60 years or more — and associated morbidities, especially sharply rising non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and disabilities.
9.Catastrophic (adjective)
Meaning: involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering., extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful.
Synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible, dreadful, black, woeful, grievous, lamentable, miserable, unfortunate.
Example: In the context of declining family support and severely limited old-age income security, catastrophic consequences for destitutes afflicted with these conditions can’t be ruled out.
10.Prevalence (noun)
Meaning: the fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness.
Synonyms: commonness, currency, widespread presence, generality, pervasiveness, universality, extensiveness, ubiquity, ubiquitousness.
Example: Wealth quartiles were constructed to examine whether prevalence of NCDs varied across them and over time. The burden of NCDs shifted from the most affluent to the least affluent over this period.
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