SSC Competitive Exams – General English Study Notes

December 2, 2015    

01. Harridan—A strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman - कठोर एवं लड़ाकू बुढ़िया 

02. Hierarchy—A system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority - पदों का वर्गीकरण, अनुक्रम 


03. Hireling—A person employed to undertake menial work - मजदूर

04. Humanist—An advocate or follower of the principles of attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.  - मानवतावादी 

05. Iconoclast—One who breaks the established traditions and image - जो परंपराओं एवं मान्यताओं का कभी पालन नहीं करता 

06. Idiosyncrasy—A person’s peculiar habit - व्यवहार का विशेष प्रकार या सिद्धांत 

07. Idolatry—The worship of idols or images - मूर्तिपूजा 

08. Igloo—The place or shelter of an Eskimo - ध्रुवीय प्रदेशों के लोगों के रहने की जगह 

09. Illegal—That which is against law - गैरकानूनी 

10. Illegible—A handwriting that cannot be read - एक ऐसा लेखन जिसे नहीं पढ़ा जा सके 

SSC Competitive Exams – General English Study Notes 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu December 2, 2015 01. Harridan—A strict, bossy, or belligerent old woman - कठोर एवं लड़ाकू बुढ़िया  02. Hierarchy—A system or organization in which people or...

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