Computer Knowledge For CWE-Clerks-V- Main Examination

November 21, 2015    

Computer Knowledge For CWE-Clerks-V- Main Examination 

1. ____ is the part of the computer that does the arithmetical calculations.

(1) OS 

(2) ALU

(3) CPU 

(4) Memory

(5) Control Unit

Ans. (2) ALU is the part of the computer that does the arithmetical calculations.

2. Which of the following is a secondary memory device?

(1) Keyboard 

(2) Disk

(3) Mouse 

(4) ALU

(5) RAM

Ans. (2) Disk is a secondary memory device.

3. Which of the following is not an example of hardware?

(1) WORD 

(2) Printer

(3) Mouse 

(4) Monitor

(5) Scanner

Ans. (1) Word is not an example of hardware.

4. Pick the wrong statement?

(1) Banks educational institutions & insurance companies use mainframe computers to store data about their customers

(2) Desktop computers, laptops, personal digital assistant (PDA), tablets & smartphones are all types of microcomputers.

(3) Minicomputers are used by small businesses & firms.

(4) Some super computers can span an entire building.

(5) Supercomputer are not as powerful as Mainframes.

Ans. (5) Supercomputer are not as powerful as Mainframes

5. Which of the following is not a storage medium?

(1) hard disk 

(2) flash drive

(3) DVD 

(4) Monitor

(5) Memory Card

Ans. (4) Monitor is an output device.

6. Which of the following is not an input device?

(1) Joystick 

(2) Touch Screen

(3) Optical Scanner 

(4) Headphone

(5) Bar Code Reader

Ans. (4) Headphone is an output device.

7. Which of the following is not true about computer files?

(1) They are collections of data saved to a storage medium 

(2) Every file has a filename.

(3) A file extension is established by the user to indicate the computer on which it was created 

(4) All files contain data

(5) Files can be created in Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Ans. (3) A file extension is established by the user to indicate the computer on which it was created

8. The _____ enables you to simultaneously keep multiple Web pages open in one browser window.

(1) Tab box 

(2) Pop-up helper

(3) Tab row 

(4) Address bar

(5) Tab Column

Ans. (3) The Tab row enables you to simultaneously keep multiple Web pages open in one browser window.

9. What is the ultimate purpose of Defragmentation? 

(1) Create More Free Space 

(2) Make the PC faster

(3) Delete temporary files 

(4) Reduce Power consumption

(5) Both 1 and 3

Ans. (1) Create Freer Space is the main purpose of Defragmentation.

10. Which among the following has been standardized in the IEEE 802.3 specification? 

(1) Bluetooth 

(2) Ethernet 

(3) WiMAX 

(4) WLAN

(5) All of them

Ans. (2) Ethernet has been standardized in the IEEE 802.3 specification.

Computer Knowledge For CWE-Clerks-V- Main Examination 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 21, 2015 Computer Knowledge For CWE-Clerks-V- Main Examination  1.  ____ is the part of the computer that does the arithmetical calculations. (1...

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