How to Crack IBPS PO Mains Exam ?

October 12, 2015    

Dear Readers, as you know IBPS PO-V preliminary exams are over and Mains Exam schedule on 31.10. 2015. To become PO in Bank go need to go through 3 phases i.e Preliminary, Mains and Interview. First Passe is over, now turn for Phase-2 i.e Mains exam. It is important for your final selection as allotment depends on marks scored by you in Mains and Interview.

We have received lot of queries regarding how to crack IBPS PO Mains exams. In this post, we are trying to give you strategy and plan that help you in cracking Mains Exam.

Mains Examination-
Reasoning: 50 questions for 50 marks
English Language: 40 questions for 40 marks
Quantitative Aptitude: 50 questions for 50 marks
General Awareness- 40 questions for 40 marks
Computer- 20 questions for 20 marks
Duration- 2 hours

1. Reasoning-Questions will be asked from analogy, syllogism, Decision making, coding, decoding, statement argument, statement and assumptions , puzzles, data sufficiency, blood relation, series , statement and course of action.

To clear this section focus on Puzzles- 10-15 questions(practice different types of puzzle and try to command them to prevent waste of time and clear this section )
Inequality- 5 questions (comes almost in all exams) 
Syllogism- 5 questions (every exam)
Data sufficiency - 5 questions 
Machine Input- 5 questions 
Students according to their strengths command on at-least 3-4 topics to easily clear this section.

2. English- Verb, preposition, adverb, subject verb agreement, Error Correction/ recognition, tenses, sentences rearrangement, fill in the blanks , comprehension, answering questions based on unseen passage, vocabulary, synonyms and antonyms usage, vocabulary & grammar.
To clear This Section Focus on -  comprehension, Cloze test, Phrase replacement and Fill in the blanks. You can easily clear this section. Practice previous paper and our daily English material

3. General Awareness- It includes questions from
Banking Awareness - recent banking updates ,
News related with RBI and knowledge of banking terms .
In current Affairs topics covered are
Recent appointments in India and World,
Person in news,
persons died,
Awards and Honours,
Sports events,
Important books and author,
Important Days,
Capital and currency,
recent committees,
To get good Marks in this section is very important in Selection as it takes less time and each question carries 1 marks, so it help in merit.
To prepare this Section Refer Our-
Banking Notes- Click Here
Banking Awareness Quiz Collection- Click Here
Gk Booster, Current Affairs Quiz Collection, GK Study Material

4. Quantitative Aptitude - Questions will be asked from Simplification, Average, Percentage, Time & Work, Area, profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed, Investment, HCF LCM, Problem On Ages , Bar Graph, Pictorial Graph, Pie Chart. Data Interpretation.
To clear this section focus on Data Interpretation(10-15 Questions)
Miscellaneous( Time & Work, Area, profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Speed)- 10-15 Questions,
Simplification/Approximation/ Data Sufficiency (any one /two)- 5-10 Questions.
Do practice from previous paper and our daily material.

5. Computer- It includes Topics like
Parts of Computer- Input -output devices, types of memory
Operating System
Application softwares especially MS Office- word, excel, powerpoint
This section also help in increasing your merit.
Study Material for This Section- Click Here

Scroing Areas of Exam
General Awareness Section- 40 Questions
Computer Section- 20 questions

Rest depend on Candidates individual capacities some are good in Maths, some in reasoning and few in english. so plan and manage time accordingly so that you can clear each section individually.
If you are weak in one section donot bother try to make up in other section. just try to clear that section

How to Crack IBPS PO Mains Exam ? 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 12, 2015 Dear Readers, as you know IBPS PO-V preliminary exams are over and Mains Exam schedule on 31.10. 2015. To become PO in Bank go need to go t...

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