English - A Click Away

October 7, 2015    

Dear Readers,

As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be conducted on 4th October. So SSCADDA team has decided to launch certain things that will not focus on any particular exam. In fact it will be relevant for all exams that is going to be held in upcoming months. This post is the glimpse of the real picture that we have planned for you folks.

pacify (verb) ( शांत करना )-quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of.
Gregory tried to think of a way of pacifying his wife.
synonyms: calm, soothe, compose.

panacea(noun) (रामबाण )- cure-all, remedy for all diseases.
There is no easy panacea that will solve our complicated international situaion.
synonyms: perfect solution,magic bullet.

pandemonium(noun) (बड़ा उपद्रव )-wild tumult
When the ships collided in the harbor,pandemonium broke out among the passengers.

parable (noun) (नीतिकथा )- short,simple story teaching a moral.
let us apply to our own conduct the lesson that this parable teaches.
synonyms: fable,lesson.

paragon (noun) (आदर्श )-model of perfection.
Her fellow students disliked Lavinia because Miss Minchin always pointed her out as a paragon of virtue.
synonyms: epitome,exemplar.

parasite (noun) (परजीवी )- animal or plant living on another.
The tapeworm is an example of the kind of parasite that may infest the human body.
synonyms: dependent ,sycophant.

pariah(noun)(ख़ारिज )-social outcast.
If everyone ostracized singer Mariah Carey,would she then be Mariah the pariah?
synonyms: leper, outsider.
parley (noun) (बातचीत )-conference.
The peace parley has not produced the anticipated truce.
synonyms:confab,consult, conversation.

partisan (adj) (पक्षपातपूर्ण )-one sided, prejudiced,committed to a party.
Rather than joining forces to solve our nation's problems,the democrats and republicans spend their time on partisan struggles.
synonyms : Biased ,sympathetic.

passe (adj) (पिछला समय का )-old fashioned,past the prime.
Her style is passe and reminiscent of the Victorian era.
English - A Click Away 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu October 7, 2015 Dear Readers, As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be...

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