Dear Readers, Here we are providingAdvance Quant Quiz,which is very helpful upcoming SSC CHSL and SSC CGL TIER-II exam 2015.
Note : Answers will be updated soon........
Advanced Quant Quiz For SSC Mains And SSC CHSL Exam4.55Yateendra sahuOctober 15, 2015Dear Readers, Here we are providing Advance Quant Quiz ,which is very helpful upcoming SSC CHSL and SSC CGL TIER-II exam 2015. Note...
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(b) Chalk
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Quant Quiz For SSC CHSL and SSC CGL Exam
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1. 2400 m
2. 2500 m
3. 2450 m
4. 2350 m
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2. 18 km
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1. A special fondness or liking for
(a) Propensity
(b) Inclinatio
(c) Penchant
(d) Preoccupation
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