Quant Quiz For SSC CHSL and SSC CGL Exam

November 16, 2015    

1. A person covers a certain distance at 72 km/h .How  many meters does he  cover in 2 minutes.
1. 2400 m
2. 2500 m
3. 2450 m
4. 2350 m

2. If a man runs at 3 m/s. How many km does he run in 1 hr 40 minutes?
1. 16 km
2. 18 km
3. 17.5 km
4. 15.5 km

3. Walking  at  the  rate  of  4  kmph  a  man  covers  certain  distance  in  2hr  45  min. running at a speed of 16.5 km/h the man will cover the same distance in.
1. 45 min
2. 42 min
3. 40 min
4. none of these

4. A  train  covers  a  distance  in  50  min,  if  it  runs  at  a  speed  of  48 km/h  on  an average.  The  speed  at  which  the  train  must  run  to  reduce  the  time  of journey  to 40 min will be.
1. 62 km/h
2. 64 km/h
3. 65 km/h
4. none of these

5. Vikas can cover a distance in 1 hr 24 min by covering 2/3 of the distance at 4 km/h and the rest at 5 km/h. The total distance is?
1. 6 km
2. 8 km
3. 5 km
4. 6 km

6. Walking at ¾ of his usual speed, a man is late by 2 ½ hr. The usual time is?
1. 7.5 
2. 7.8 
3. 6.5
4. 5.5

7. A man  covers  a distance  on  scooter. Had  he  moved  3km/h  faster  he  would have taken  40 min less. If he had moved 2 km/h slower he would have taken 40 min more. The distance is?
1. 36
2. 38
3. 40
4. 45

8. Excluding  stoppages, the speed of the bus is 54 km/h and including  stoppages, it is 45 km/h. For how many min does the bus stop per hr?
1. 16 min
2. 10 min
3. 7.5 min
4. 12 min

9. Two  boys  starting  from  the  same  place  walk  at  a  rate  of  5 km/h  and  5.5 km/h respectively. What  time  will  they  take  to  be  8.5 km  apart,  if  they  walk  in  the  same direction?
1. 17 hrs
2. 18 hrs
3. 17.5 hrs
4. 15.5 hrs

10. Two  trains  starting  at  the  same  time  from  2  stations  200km  apart  and  going  in opposite  direction  cross  each  other at  a  distance  of  110km  from  one  of  the  stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?
1. 12 : 7
2. 11 : 8
3. 12 : 9
4. 11 : 9

Note : Answers will be updated soon............

Quant Quiz For SSC CHSL and SSC CGL Exam 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu November 16, 2015 1. A person covers a certain distance at 72 km/h .How  many meters does he  cover in 2 minutes. 1. 2400 m 2. 2500 m 3. 2450 m 4. 2350 m...

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