Mission CGL Mains 2015 : Active/Passive Quiz Part - VI

September 1, 2015    

1.  Mr. Sen asked him a question.
(A) He was asked a question Mr. Sen
(B) He was asked a question to Mr. Sen
(C) He was asked a question by Mr. Sen
(D) A question was being asked by Mr. Sen

2.  People speak English all over the world.
(A) English is spoken all over the world
(B) English was spoken all over the world
(C) English was spoken by people
(D) English is spoken by people

3.  The teacher punished the boys who had not done their home work.
(A) The boys who had not done their homework had been punished by their teacher
(B) The boys were punished by their teacher who had not done their homework
(C) The boys who had not done their homework were punished by the teacher
(D) The boys who had not done their homework were being punished by the teacher

4.  The Principal has granted to him a scholarship.
(A) A scholarship has granted to him by the Principal
(B) He has been granted a scholarship by the Principal
(C) He has granted a scholarship by the Principal
(D) A scholarship was granted to him by the Principal

5.  Somebody told me that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall.
(A) I was told by somebody about the explosion in the Town Hall
(B) I was told about the explosion in the Town Hall
(C) I was informed that there was an explosion in the Town Hall
(D) I was told by somebody that there had been an explosion in the Town Hall

6.  Someone has lit the fire.
(A) The fire was lit by someone
(B) You are requested to light the fire by someone.
(C) The fire has been lit by someone
(D) The fire had been lit by someone.

7.  You surprise me.
(A) I am to be surprised
(B) You are surprised
(C) I am surprised
(D) Me is surprised

8.  The boys killed the snake with a stick.
(A) The snake was killed by the boys with a stick.
(B) A stick killed by the boys with a snake.
(C) A snake with a stock was killed by the boys.
(D) A snake is killed by the boys with a stick.

9.  Let me do this.
(A) Let us do this.
(B) This be done by me.
(C) Let this be done by me.
(D) Let l do this.

10. The tiger caught a fox.
(A) A fox has been caught by the tiger.
(B) A fox was caught by the tiger.
(C) A fox is caught by the tiger.
(D) A fox had been caught by the tiger.

Answers will updated soon............

Mission CGL Mains 2015 : Active/Passive Quiz Part - VI 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 1, 2015 1.  Mr. Sen asked him a question. (A) He was asked a question Mr. Sen (B) He was asked a question to Mr. Sen (C) He was asked a question ...

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