English Language For CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination

September 26, 2015    

Q.1-5. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

With the urban sprawl stretching to near infinity, life in the city can sure be a fascinating experience. Cities today vie for the title of the best and develop with lightning (1). With multiple malls, multiplexes, international brands and global cuisines available urbanites never had it so good. The fun and excitement never (2) with endless shopping and restaurant hopping. With pleasures ranging from the simple to grand the city is a vast (3) of entertainment and beckons you to enjoy, indulge and indulge again.

But that is one side of the story, here is the (4) side of the same coin. The city is considered an unfriendly place. Most people are focused only on their concerns and appear (5). Besides, urban dwellers are subjected to more noise, jostling, manhandling and chaos. Increasing fuel consumption, the consequent pollution and inefficient planning to accommodate the ever expanding projects have converted city life into mayhem. 

Q-1. Choose the correct option for (1).

01. progress 
02. liveliness 
03. speed 
04. dispatch 
05. urgency 

Q-2 Choose the correct option for (2).

01. initiative 
02. finish 
03. clarify 
04. cease 
05. respond 

Q-3 Choose the correct option for (3).

01. pooled 
02. ocean 
03. dreams 
04. creativity 
05. leap 

Q-4 Choose the correct option for (4).

01. flip 
02. another 
03. back 
04. contradiction 
05. switch 

Q-5 Choose the correct option for (5).

01. avid 
02. miser 
03. jealous 
04. generous 
05. selfish 

Q-6-10. Read each part of the sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, mark your answer as (5).

Q.6. A FIR has been lodged (1)/against Reema who got the job(2)/ of a clerk by submitting (3)/ fake schedule caste certificate. (4)/ No error (5)

01. (1) 
02. (2) 
03. (3) 
04. (4) 
05. (5) 

Q-7. Authorities need to ensure (1)/ that road safety measures (2)/are strictly (3)/ adhered come what may. (4)/ No error (5)

01. (1) 
02. (2) 
03. (3) 
04. (4) 
05. (5) 

Q-8. Medicines for treatment of tuberculosis (1)/will now be available (2)/for free at all (3)/chemical shops and corporate hospitals. (4)/ No error (5)

01. (1) 
02. (2) 
03. (3) 
04. (4) 
05. (5) 

Q-9. A young community activist began a road journey (1)/though 21 countries to emphasize(2)/ the need for peace (3)/ between India and Pakistan. (4)/ No error (5)

01. (1) 
02. (2) 
03. (3) 
04. (4) 
05. (5) 

Q-10. Urdu language played (1)/a pivotal role (2)/ in national integration (3)/during the war of independence. (4)/ No error (5)

01. (1) 
02. (2) 
03. (3) 
04. (4) 
05. (5) 

Q.11-15. In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.

Q-11. The power crisis in the state is going to ————as the government has failed to ————the ever increasing power demands.

01. worsen, captured 
02. worsen, create 
03. worsen, meet 
04. worse, prove 
05. worse, meet 

Q-12. The vegetable-growing soils of the city are ———losing their ————due to imbalanced fertilization.

01. quick, quality 
02. haste, productive 
03. instant, growth 
04. fast, fertility 
05. easily, fertilization
Q-13. Shanmukhananda Sabha is ————a series of programmes as part of its diamond jubilee ————this year.

01. entertaining, remembrance 
02. presenting, events 
03. organizing, performed 
04. treating, finalized 
05. hosting, celebration 

Q-14. The forest officials collected —————which had confirmed —————of a tigress in the area.

01. samples, attendance 
02. dust, absence 
03. pugmarks, presence 
04. marks, company 
05. traced, wit 

Q-15. Strict —————of the law regarding helmet has —————the number of deaths in two-wheeler accidents.

01. adherence, increased 
02. enforcement, reduced 
03. functional, limited 
04. determination, honoured 
05. termination, venerated
Q.16-20. Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.

A. But this pride does not always translate into proper custodianship and preservation.
B. In this country, many institutions do not follow clear
C. India is a country that is justifiably proud of its illustrious past 
D. Up-to-date, and verifiable standards for document preservation
E. In spite of the plethora of capable administrators and skilled archivists
F. Most Indians would cringe at how sources of Indian history are treated in government institutions

Q-16 Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

01. B 
02. F 
03. C 
04. E 
05. D 

Q-17 Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?
01. F 
02. B 
03. A 
04. D 
05. E 

Q-18 Which of the following would be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

01. C 
02. B 
03. E 
04. D 
05. F 

Q-19 Which of the following would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement?

01. E 
02. F 
03. A 
04. C 
05. B 

Q-20 Which of the following would be the SIXTH sentence after rearrangement?

01. A 
02. D 
03. E 
04. F 
05. C

Q.21-30. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Caste restricts opportunity. Restricted opportunity constricts ability. Constricted ability further restricts opportunity. Where caste prevails, opportunity and ability are restricted to ever-narrowing circles of the people. Today, India on the one hand is on the verge of launching its second space shuttle to the moon; on the other hand, its citizens are 'confusion personified'. Amidst all this chaos about caste, creed, vote banks, terrorism and much other worldly ridicule, it is time for us to retrospect and take pragmatic steps towards building a casteless society.

Protesting against conducting a caste-based census would hardly solve the issue, for shunning ourselves from the truth won't make the bitter truth sweet. A country which has suffered the caste system for over a thousand years can't become 'casteless' overnight. A caste-based census was extremely important in a country like ours given the reservations and the quotas that we have to plan. So, instead of criticizing the system, we need to find a solution within the system which would lead us to our goal. The Indian Constitution doesn't give us an option not to belong to any caste. Our society does, but not the Constitution. An entirely personal and spiritual endeavour such as this definitely doesn't need a government seal, but the lives and thoughts of the great people who preached secularism failed to become a movement because of the above mentioned flaw in our Constitution. If an idea gets constitutionalised or gets governmental back-up, it surely will gain momentum.  It would undoubtedly be a brave decision to enroll oneself as 'casteless', considering the opposition and criticism these people have to face from their families, and only an intellectually cultured mind can do that. So be it a 'dalit' or an upper caste person, who elevates himself as 'casteless', because he is educated, will definitely not need any kind of reservation and he falls into the general category (no quotas, mind you).

There will be some practical problems. Now, because of this categorical shift, there will be need for some alterations in the reservation percentage and a few other minor practical issues, to which solutions can be worked out. But the advantages of this system seem promising.

The children of these 'casteless' parents will, by birth, have nothing tagged to their names, and this continues, generation to generation. Isn't it wonderful to see a tree pop up amidst acres and acres of weed? And won't this tree produce more trees? One day, can't we see a thick forest in that place? A thousand years later, if even this idea gets corrupted, someone else will find a better solution. As of now, if being casteless can become a constitutional provision, our society will definitely raise itself a few notches higher.

Q-21  Why has the example of ' a tree popping up amidst acres of weed' been cited by the author?

01.  The best of individuals come from socially backward families
02.  Trees which grow in weed do not survive for long
03.  To convey that a small effort from an individual triggers a big movement
04.  An individual alone cannot do much to change the society
05.  Not clear in the passage

Q-22 What is meant by 'confusion personified' as mentioned in the passage?

01.  Confusion prevails in the matters related to government
02.  Society confuses people with its self made concepts
03.  People remain confused about their own caste
04.  People remain confused  about every small or big issue
05.  All of the above

Q-23 Which of the following is the author's concern?

01.  The children of 'casteless parents' will have great problem earning their living
02.  The Indian constitution should provide an option to criticize caste system
03.  The case system is nullifying the effect of the progress India has made in different fields
04.  In future being casteless would mean being 'socially backward'
05.  Not mentioned in the passage

Q-24 Why, according to the passage, a caste-based census inevitable in the Indian context?

01.  India is a nation which offers shelter to people coming from all castes and origins
02.  Due to the provision of reservations and quotas
03.  Because of the superstition and prejudices people do not get rid of.
04.  The politicians exploit emotions of the people to their best advantage
05.  Not mentioned in the passage

Q-25 Which of the following is not true about the person who enrolls himself as 'casteless'?

A.  He would be discarded by other members of the society
B.  Nothing would be tagged to the names of his children
C.  He would not demand reservation
D.  His financial independence would be gone as soon as he declares himself 'casteless
01.  Only B                  02.  Only D                  03.  Only A and B        04.  Only A and D       
05.  All of the above

Q-26 What notion does Indian constitution hold about 'caste system'?

01.  It is the foundation pillar of many Indian societies
02.  However hard we may try but it cannot be uprooted
03.  It is required to prove one's identity in societal aspect
04.  It  is a means  for the socially backward people to move ahead in any field
05.  Not mentioned in the passage

Q-27 Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


01.  Emotional
02.  Speculative
03.  Convenient
04.  Fortunate
05.  Practical

Q-28. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


01.  Gaps
02.  Levels
03.  Scores
04.  Points
05.  Parts

Q-29.  Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


 01.  Retard
 02.  Persuade
 03.  Force
 04.  Safeguard
 05.  Prevail

Q-30.  Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.


 01.  Discord
 02.  Noise
 03.  Jumble
 04.  Calm
 05.  Litter


Q.1.(3) Q.2.(4) Q.3.(2)  Q.4.(1) Q.5.(5) Q.6.(1) Q.7.(4) Q.8.(5) Q.9.(2) Q.10.(5) Q.11.(3) 

Q.12.(4) Q.13.(5) Q.14.(3) Q.15.(2) Q.16.(3) Q.17.(3) Q.18.(5) Q.19.(5) Q.20.(2) Q.21.(3)

Q.22.(4) Q.23.(3) Q.24.(2) Q.25.(4) Q.26.(5) Q.27.(5) Q.28.(2) Q.29.(1) Q.30.(4)

English Language For CWE-PO/MT-V- Preliminary Examination 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2015 Q.1-5.  In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against ...

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