English - A Click Away

September 26, 2015    

Dear Readers,

As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be conducted on 4th October. So SSCADDA team has decided to launch certain things that will not focus on any particular exam. In fact it will be relevant for all exams that is going to be held in upcoming months. This post is the glimpse of the real picture that we have planned for you folks.
1.Fraud (noun)(कपट,चाल,छली)-TrickThe con man's fraud involved selling swampland to gullible investors.Synonyms: deceit, racket

2.Frugal (adj)(अल्पव्ययी,मिताहारी)- Thrifty, cheap
The frugal shopper only bought items that were on sale.
 Synonyms: sparing, provident

3.Futile (adj)(असार,तुच्छ,व्यर्थ)-Without purpose, completely ineffective
Arguing with Andrew is futile because he never changes his mind.
Synonyms: hopeless, vain

4.Gargantuan (adj)(महाकाय,विशाल)-Gigantic
The gargantuan monster towered over the ten-story building.
Synonyms: enormous, colossal

5.Garish (adj)(सुहावना,भड़कीला,दिखावटी)-Offensively brightThe garish wallpaper offended Jerome, who preferred subtle colors.Synonyms: gaudy, loud

6.Genial (adj)(सुखप्रद,मिलनसार)-Sympathetic, friendlyThe genial host warmly greeted his many guests.Synonyms: pleasant, cordial

7.Grandiose (adj)(प्रतापी,भव्य)-With an affectation of grandeurThe sweeping, grandiose staircase looked preposterous in the modest entry hall.Synonyms: pretentious, pompous

8.Gravity (noun)(गंभीरता,अहमियत)-Importance, significance
Understanding the gravity of his error, Ken offered his humblest apology.Synonyms: seriousness, magnitude

9.Gruff (adj)(अशिष्ट,कठोर)-Rough or stern in manner or speechHeidi's grandfather was gruff, barking stern orders and hardly smiling.Synonyms: surly, brusque

10.Hedonism (noun)(सुखवाद)-Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of lifeThe hedonism of the emperoro, who spent all his time giving parties, caused his downfall.Synonyms: sensualism, libertinism
English - A Click Away 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 26, 2015 Dear Readers, As you all know that many exams have lined up and you all must be aware of the fact that FCI for the north region is to be ...

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