Solutions for Reasoning Practice Test (IBPS)

August 10, 2015    

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1. As Suraj is ahead of Ghana by eight ranks, there are seven per-sons between Suraj and Ghana. Hence, Virat is eight ranks be-hind Ghana by which his rank is 33rd in the class. Hence, I is sufficient.
Statement II does not indicate the position of Virat.
2. By combining both the statements it is clear that E and Q are the only two daughters of Y. Hence, both the statements are required.
3. From Statement II, "late" is the only common word which is indicated by "De". Hence, only II is sufficient.
4. From Statement I, R >P. Hence, R is the heaviest. From S statement II, R is the heaviest person. Hence, either I or II is sufficient.
5. It cannot be determined as only the direction is given but distance between A and M as well as that of between Z and M is not given. Hence, neither I nor II is sufficient.
As all the given statements are affirmative, there is a possibility of "some Rats are Tiles". Hence, both the conclusions form a complementary pair.
Answer is "Only III with either I or II" follows.
As all the given statements are affirmative, there is a possibility of "All cots are bats". Hence, both the conclusions form a complementary pair. Answer is "Only III with Either I or II" follows.
Clearly, only II and III conclusion are valid
"No roof is wall" is a valid conclusion as the statement given is "No wall is roof". No pen is door is also valid. Hence, conclusion II and III follow.
Clearly, both I and II conclusions are valid. All sockets can be switches. Hence, conclusion III is not valid.
(11-15) By comparing
11. (a) (b) & (d) WORK = kat
12. (b) & (d) EXCELLENT = mat
13. (a) & (c) MONEY = lat
14. (d) RESULTS = Either zat or da
15. (b) PRODUCTIVE = Either ta or pat. Hence, cannot be determined.

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Solutions for Reasoning Practice Test (IBPS) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 10, 2015 sponsored links 1. As Suraj is ahead of Ghana by eight ranks, there are seven per-sons between Suraj and Ghana. Hence, Virat is eight r...

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