The Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020

March 31, 2020    

The Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020
  • Times Higher Education (THE) has recently released its Emerging Economies University Rankings 2020. Times Higher Education covered 533 Universities from 47 Emerging Economies in order to prepare the 2020 rankings. As per THE, same 13 performance indicators used in THE World University Rankings were used to prepare the index to judge institutions on their teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.
  • Four parameters used to derive the rankings are-
    1. Number of FTE Students
    2. Number of students per staff
    3. Percentage of International students
    4. Female: Male ratio

Key Findings

  • According to the Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020, China is the country with 81 institutions in the ranking which is the highest.
  • Also, China has claimed the top four spots on the index. China’s Tsinghua University is the topmost university on the index.
  • Along with this, China is the country with highest number of institutions in top 100 on the index. The country has 30 universities in top 100.
  • China has been followed by India in terms of number of institutions in top 100.
  • Saudi Arabia has a top new entrant on the index as King Abdulaziz University placed at 13th rank.
  • Russia, Taiwan and South Africa are the only other countries that have found place in the top 10 universities on the index.

Top 5 Universities

  • Tsinghua University (China)
  • Peking University (China)
  • Zhejiang University (China)
  • University of Science and Technology of China
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation)

India Specific Findings

  • India is second most represented country on the index with 56 Universities on the index.
  • India is also second in terms of number of universities in top 100 with its 11 universities.
  • The highest ranked university of India is Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru which has been placed at 16th rank. Female: Male ratio at the university is 23:77.
  • IISc Banglore is followed by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur which has been placed 32nd on the index.

Top Indian Universities on the Index

Name of the University Rank
Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 16th
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 32nd
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 34th
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 38th
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee 58th
Indian Institute of Technology Indore 61st
Indian Institute of Technology Madras 63rd
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar 63rd
Institute of Chemical Technology 73rd
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 77th
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham 90th


Q: 1. Which is the India’s highest ranked university on THE Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020?
1. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
2. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
3. Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
4. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
5. Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Answer- 3
Explanation- IISc Banglore is followed by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur which has been placed 32nd on the index.

Q: 2. How many Indian Universities have been included in THE Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020?
1. 81 Universities
2. 59 Universities
3. 34 Universities
4. 56 Universities
5. 82 Universities

Explanation- India is second most represented country on the index with 56 Universities on the index.

Q: 3. Which university has attained the top spot in THE Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020?
1. Tsinghua University
2. Peking University
3. Zhejiang University
4. King Abdulaziz University
5. Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru

Answer- 1
Explanation- China’s Tsinghua University is the topmost university on the index with 38,783 FTE students. The Female : Male ratio of the university is 37: 63.

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The Emerging Economies University Ranking 2020 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu March 31, 2020 Times Higher Education (THE) has recently released its Emerging Economies University Rankings 2020. Times Higher Education covered 533 U...

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