Finance and Management
1 marks questions
1. Compare outputs and inputs - Equity Theory.
2. GST Council - Finance Ministry
3. Fiscal Policy - Finance Ministry
4. Basel Norms - Bank Risk
5. Derivative derive value from - Underlying
6. Which risk can be eliminated by derivative - Interest.
7. T-Bill - by RBI for short term funds
8. Commercial paper - By corporation for short
9. MBO - Peter Drucker
10. Alderfer - ERG theory
11. Sensitivity Traning
12. Lakshmi App- City Union Bank
13. MBO by which company - GE
14. Refers to the growth of the employee in an organization - Career Path
15. The operational risk from - Inadequate internal control process
16. Employee potential for future - Psychological appraisal
17. Training evaluation for Stage Model - Kirkpatrick Model
18. Hypothetication
19. Stagflation - High inflation and Unemployment
20. CRR Decrease - More credit
21. LMX Theory
22. Transactional leadership - Reward on ContingentPerformance
23. Indicator of low morale? - High labour Turnover
24. Intellectual Personality Trait
25. Not under GST - Petroleum Products.
2 marks Questions
1. Equal Opportunities to all
2. Award immediately after the performance
3. The incentive can be used to - Achieve Business Goals
4. New Security in which market?- Primary.
5. Right to sell - Put buyer
6. Fiscal Deficit - Interest = Primary deficit
7. Not a method of deficit financing - Increasing Tax Rates
8. Bonds which matures over a period of time - Serial bond
9. External Mechanism of corporate governance-related - Reporting to industry body
10. Secondary Stakeholder in corporate governance - Government
11. Which of the following is the objective of external corporate governance Mechanism - Compliance to avoid legal complications
12. 3-D Model Integrative Model
13. Managerial grid by - Blake and Mouton
14. 3-D Model - Relationship
15. What was recommended by the Committee? - Bank Board Bureau
16. Fit and Proper Criterion Applicable to - Only PSB
17. Maximum Tenure as per Criterion - 6 years
18. Agri - GDP = 14.4
19. Written Communication Advantage - can be used later as proof.
20. Oral Communication Advantage - Informal
21. Mentoring - Career Counselling
22. Horizontal, Vertical, Lateral Movement- Career path
23. Vertical Movement - Career Ladder
24. Universal Bank - Bandhan
25. Not a Step for Financial Inclusion - KYC
26. Micro Finance Agent - RRB
27. Mintzberg Manager Role - Starting of a plan - Entrepreneur
28. Information Sharing - Dissemenitor role
29. Representing to industry - Liason role.
30. Globalization, Privatization, Liberalisation
31. Reserved Sector - Atomic and Railways with certain exceptions
32. Bank of Baroda merged with Vijay Bank and Dena Bank
33. Which of the following is not a developmental expenditure - Defence
34. GDP Base Year - 2011-12
35. Maximum Micro Finance is provided through - SHGs
1) Name of the Scheme
2) National trust
3) Statement based questions with one statement as "Same premium for all age"
Tribal Ministery -
4) Goal
5) Facebook
6) 2,00,000 Hours
7) Tribal Ministry with NITI Aayog
8) Green
9) 5Ps = Perspective
10) 78 Indicator, 13/17 SDGs, 17th SDG not a part
11) Not forerunner - AP
12) Last State - UP
13) GDP & NI report
14) The slowdown in Q4 2018-19 due to
15) Increase in per capita income will cause
16) NAPS
17) Anushka
18) Kushal Bharat Kaushal Bharat
19) Statement based and Question was 40 Crorespeople was training by 2022.
Industrialization 4.0
20) Industrialization 4.0
22) Industry
Jal Shakti Mission
23) All the above (rainwater harvesting, impure to pure water, etc)
24) Planation
26) 6.1%
27) Reason for slowdown
28) Limit public Spending
30) RCEP
31) Reason for India's exit
Economic and Social Issues
1 marks questions
1. SEIS - Services
2. Article 1(1) - Union of States
3. Article 356 - Corruption allegation against the ministry
4. CSRI women on board - 15.2
5. Realty fund government share - 10,000 crore
6. Financial benchmark indicator approval - RBI
7. SDG - 169 targets
8. SEQI by - NITI
9. Healthy state progressive India bottom State - UP
10. World Economic Outlook - IMF
11. SECC 2011 - 30%
12. Aim of the Industrial Policy - Reduce Regulatory Hurdles
13. MSME share - 48%
14. Not part of BOP Capital account - Use elimination only d&e
15. 2% TDS on above - 1 crore
16. RBI - MSF
17. World Bank Master Plan - 300 million Kolkata
18. NHP life Expectancy - 69
19. Multidimensional poverty - 271 Million
20. Chair of virtual ban Currency - Dept of economic Affairs secy
21. Green Bond - BIS
22. BEPS - 2020-21
23. Animal Spirits - Keynes
24. ECF - 5.5- 6.5
25. WEF - Davos
26. Russia - 1 billion
27. Low Growth Reason
28. Mudra Yojana Data
2 marks questions
1. Name of the Agreement - RCEP
2. Blank - ASEAN, Five (Excluding India)
3. India opted - Higher imports & Trade Deficit
4. MNC Partner - F
5. Name - GOAL
6. With whom - NITI Aayog
7. Not true About GOAL
8. Not one of the five P of the global SDG Movement - Perspective
9. Not a front runner state - Andhra Pradesh
10. Only 2 & 3 i.e Only 13 out of 17 SDG & Not considers SDG 17
11. SDG Index Partner - Green Growth
12. Blank 1 & 2 - Annual Income and GDP forecast
13. Per Capita Income - Earning per person
14. Slow down in GDP due to manufacturing and Agri slowdown
Social Justice Scheme
15. Scheme Name - Nirmaya Scheme
16. Implementation agency - National trust
17. Not an Objective - No pre-Insurance medical tests
Jal Shakti Abhiyaan
18. Components - Reuse, Water bodies recharge and Watershed Development
19. Tough about block etc.
20. Not true about urban plantation initiative - Moisture absorbing plant will be planted.
Skill India
21. Not a part - NAPS
22. Theme - Kushal Bharat, Kaushal Bharat
23. True Statement
24. Personality related to Scheme
Industry 4.0
25. Name - Industry 4.0
26. Name of the agency - DPIIT
27. Aim of the policy - Promotion of emerging sector & Reduce regulatory hurdles & Adoption of new and Frontier Technology.
RBI Framework benchmark
28. Not an extern benchmark - Banks own cost of the Funds rate
29. Impact of the rate transmission - Lower EMI Loans
30. Name of the Organization - UNCTAD
31. RBI Growth Forcast - 6.1
32. An impact of the measure - Low fiscal deficit.

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