Safe Cities Index 2019: Highlights

September 7, 2019    

Safe Cities Index 2019: Highlights
  • The Safe Cities Index 2019 has been released by The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by NEC Corporation. The index ranks 60 countries across 57 indicators covering health security, digital security, infrastructure security and personal security.
  • The index has been devised and constructed by Vaibhav Sahgal and Divya Sharma Nag.

Key Findings

  • The Safe Cities Index 2019 has been topped by Tokyo with a score of 92.0 out of 100.
  • Tokyo is followed by Singapore which acquires the second position on the index.
  • Osaka has been ranked third on the index with a score of 90.9.
  • Osaka is followed by Amsterdam which is ranked fourth on the index.
  • Six Cities in the Asia-Pacific region have made it to the top-10 safest cities in the index with Singapore at 2nd, Osaka at 3rd, Sydney at 5th, Seoul tied for 8th and Melbourne at 10th.
  • Sydney has overtaken Melbourne as safest city. Sydney has been ranked 5th on the index while Melbourne has been ranked 10th.

Top 10 Safest Cities

  1. Tokyo
  2. Singapore
  3. Osaka
  4. Amsterdam
  5. Sydney
  6. Toronto
  7. Washington, DC
  8. Copenhagen
  9. Seoul (=8)
  10. Melbourne

Top 5 cities according to Indicators

Rank Digital Security Health security Infrastructure Security Personal Security
1 Tokyo Osaka Singapore Singapore
2 Singapore Tokyo Osaka Copenhagen
3 Chicago Seoul Barcelona Hong Kong
4 Washington, DC Amsterdam Tokyo Tokyo
5 Los Angeles Stockholm (=4) Madrid Wellington

India Specific Findings

  • Two Indian cities have been included in the index- Mumbai and New Delhi.
  • Mumbai has been ranked 45th on the index while New Delhi has been ranked 52nd.
  • In terms of Digital security, both Mumbai and New Delhi have been ranked 47th with an average score of 51.0.
  • In terms of Health Security, Mumbai has been ranked 50th while New Delhi has been ranked 51st.
  • In terms of Infrastructure Security, Mumbai has been ranked 50th while New Delhi has been ranked 57th.
  • In terms of Personal Security, Mumbai has been ranked 37th while New Delhi has been ranked 41st.

Quick Fact

  • Founded in 1945, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is a British business within the Economist Group which provides forecasting and advisory services through research and analysis.
  • It is headquartered in London, England.


Q1. Which organisation has released the Safe Cities Index 2019?
1. United Nations
2. World Tourism Organisation
3. The Economist Intelligence Unit
4. World Economic Forum
5. World Bank

Answer- (3)
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has released the Safe Cities Index 2019. EIU is a British Business within Economist Group which forecasting and advisory services.

Q2. Which two Indian cities have been included in the Safe Cities Index 2019?
1. Bangalore and Mumbai
2. New Delhi and Mumbai
3. New Delhi and Bangalore
4. Chennai and Mumbai
5. Pune and New Delhi

Answer- (2)
New Delhi and Mumbai are the Indian cities which have been included in the Safe Cities Index 2019. Mumbai has been ranked 45th on the index while New Delhi has been ranked 52nd.

Q3. Which country has topped the Safe Cities Index 2019?
1. Singapore
2. Osaka
3. Amsterdam
4. Sydney
5. Tokyo

Answer- (5)
Tokyo has topped the Safe Cities Index 2019 with a score of 92 out of 100.


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Safe Cities Index 2019: Highlights 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu September 7, 2019 The Safe Cities Index 2019 has been released by The Economist Intelligence Unit, sponsored by NEC Corporation. The index ranks 60 countr...

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