Index of Cancer Preparedness 2019: Highlights

August 14, 2019    

Index of Cancer Preparedness 2019: Highlights


  • The report is prepared by Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The report presents data on 45 indicators which are relevant to prevention and care. The report ranked 28 countries.

Key Highlights

  • Cancer is the second biggest killer in the world which roughly causes one out of six deaths globally.
  • The report has been topped by Australia and is followed by the Netherlands and Germany.
  • Top five countries in cancer preparedness:
    1. Australia (Score – 90.6)
    2. The Netherlands (89.9)
    3. Germany (88.7)
    4. France (87.5)
    5. United Kingdom (85.3)
  • Saudi Arabia, Romania and Egypt have been ranked at the bottom of the index.
  • Countries ranked at the bottom:
    1. Egypt (Rank – 28/Score – 48.4)
    2. Romania (27/51.1)
    3. Saudi Arabia (26/53.0)
    4. Indonesia (25/55.1)
    5. Kenya (24/55.5)
  • Cancer and GDP have a complex relationship.
  • High-income countries have more number of peoples per cancer than in middle and low-income countries.
  • In the coming time, middle and low-income countries are likely to suffer the largest increase in cancer incidence due to greater populations.
  • Though middle and low-income countries have 59% of global cancer cases they are likely to hold 71% of cancer deaths in future.
  • Countries having strong healthcare systems and governance have the lowest cancer mortality rates. 
  • The report has identified four essentials of cancer preparedness: 
    1. Essential investment 
    2. Essential roadmap 
    3. Essential foundation 
    4. Essential intelligence

India’s Performance

  • India has been ranked at 19th position scoring 64.9.
  • India ranked 17th in Cancer policy and planning scoring 80.8.
  • It also ranked 25th for its healthcare system where it scored 40.3.
  • The infrastructure of healthcare in the country is second-worst among the index countries.


Q: 1. Index of Cancer preparedness is topped by?
a. Germany
b. France
c. Norway
d. Australia  

Q: 2. Which group of countries are likely to see an increase in the number of cancer cases?
a. Upper and middle group countries
b. Upper and low group countries
c. Middle and low group countries.
d. None of the above


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Index of Cancer Preparedness 2019: Highlights 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 14, 2019 About The report is prepared by Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) . The report presents data on 45 indicators which are relevant to pre...

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