IBPS RRB Main Computer Practice Set: 31st August

August 31, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Computer Quiz

Computer Knowledge section can help you to improve your overall score if in case other sections are tougher than the expectation. We are providing you with a question set based on the types and patterns of questions asked in the Computer Knowledge section in previous years.
We already rolled the study plan for IBPS RRB MAINS 2019Computer Quiz of 31st August 2019 covers Miscellaneous Quiz.

Q1.A __________ is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.
(a) processor
(b) computer
(c) case
(d) stylus
(e) None of these.


Q2.__________ computers represent data as variable points along a continuous spectrum of values.
(a) Analog
(b) Digital
(c) Precise
(d) Mainframe
(e) None of these

Analog computers store data in a continuous form of physical quantities and perform calculations with the help of measures.

Q3.Which of the following is used by the tablet PC to write on the screen.
(a) finger
(b) mouse
(c) digitalizer
(d) stylus
(e) None of these

A stylus is an instrument for writing and, in computers, an input device used to write text or draw lines on a surface as input to a computer.

Q4.A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document.
(a) anchor
(b) URL
(c) hyperlink
(d) reference
(e) None of these


Q5. A network’s __________ is the central structure that connects other portions of the network.
(a) trunk
(b) backbone
(c) protocol
(d) server
(e) None of these

A backbone is the part of the computer network infrastructure that interconnects different networks and provides a path for exchange of data between these different networks. A backbone may interconnect different local area networks in offices, campuses or buildings.

Q6.You can organize your bookmarks using __________.
(a) structures
(b) containers
(c) folders
(d) menus
(e) Chart

you can organize your bookmark into folders by topic or task etc.

Q7.Which key will launch the Start button.
(a) esc
(b) shift
(c) Windows
(d) Shortcut
(e) None of these


Q8.Computers use the __________ number system to store data and perform calculations.
(a) decimal
(b) hexadecimal
(c) binary
(d) octal
(e) None of these

Computer uses binary number system.

Q9.Floppy drives, hard drives and tape drives all use a __________ to read data.
(a) laser
(b) sensor
(c) magnet
(d) pen
(e) None of these


Q10.The number of pixels displayed on a screen is known as the screen ………… . 
(a) resolution
(b) colour depth
(c) refresh rate
(d) viewing size
(e) None of these

Resolution is the number of pixels (individual points of color) contained on a display monitor, expressed in terms of the number of pixels on the horizontal axis and the number on the vertical axis. The sharpness of the image on a display depends on the resolution and the size of the monitor.

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IBPS RRB Main Computer Practice Set: 31st August 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 31, 2019 Dear Aspirants, IBPS RRB PO/Clerk Computer Quiz Computer Knowledge section can help you to improve your overall score if in c...

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