IBPS PO prelims are very close and you can expect tough completion for achieving your dream. To help you in this endeavor Adda247 brings to you the 2nd edition of your favorite “IBPS PO 2019 PRELIMS MOCK PAPERS”. Now for all your worries related to latest pattern and updated books for IBPS PO exam practice and preparation you can get this book and prepare Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and English Language section along with practice material of previous year papers. As you need to practice as much as possible with questions of high quality for enhancing your speed and accuracy this book will serve as a great companion to you in your journey towards fulfilling your dreams.
This book is available in English addition and has more than 2450 questions with detailed solutions for each and every question to sharpen your arsenal. The book contains 20 practice mocks based on the latest pattern along with the previous years’ papers of 2018, 2017 and 2016 and additional memory based mocks of the recently held SBI PO 2019 Memory based paper and IBPS RRB PO 2019 Memory Based Paper . Giving these carefully designed mocks will help you to be prepared for any eventualities. The IBPS PO 2019 PRELIMS MOCK PAPERS is available at only RS 399 and you can get one copy for yourself from ADDA247 store by visiting store.adda247.com
Salient Features of "25 IBPS PO Prelims 2019: Mock Test Papers" (English Medium)
- 2450+ Questions
- 20 IBPS PO Mock Papers based on the latest pattern
- 3 IBPS PO Previous Years’ Papers
- 1 SBI PO 2019 Memory based paper
- 1 IBPS RRB PO 2019 Memory Based Paper
- 100% Solutions with detailed explanation.
An exclusive feature of Adda247 Publications lets you access an e-version of every hard copy book that you purchase which will be updated as per the new changes introduced in future in the pattern of the concerned competitive examination. And nowadays, when one gets to see an exorbitantly changed pattern of examination that is conducted to carry out a government recruitment process, this feature is definitely going do a good turn.
Aiming IBPS 2019? Click here to get the study material

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