Daily Vocabulary: 6th August 2019

August 6, 2019    


Fear learning vocab? Make it easy to learn as Vocabulary is the predominant of the English section. Every exam whether SBI or IBPS, Vocabulary has become the central part of the section. Questions asked in the exam can be based on the vocabulary. Also, it is the base of English writing and speaking that creates an authentic and expressive aura around the person that puts this into practice. These important words are helpful and will help you in all sorts of exam and while appearing for the interview. Using the right sets of the word can change the course of conversation make your presence effective and can make you stand out in the crowd. In short, it is the key part of English ability. Practice with the words of vocabulary from The Hindueditorial to perform well in the upcoming exams. Make a habit of reading new words provided on bankersadda.

PURPORTEDLY (adverb) कथित रूप से
Meaning: As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
Synonyms: allegedly, professedly, supposedly, seemingly, superficially
Antonyms: absolutely, authentically, certainly, earnestly, exactly
Usage: The woman found a letter purportedly signed by the Prime Minister.

TACIT (adjective) सूचित
Meaning: understood or implied without being stated.
Synonyms: implicit, inferred, insinuated, unspoken.
Antonyms: blatant, evident, manifest, explicit.
Usage: In my business, all that is needed for a tacit understanding is a handshake between men.

INTERDICT (Noun) पाबंदी
Meaning: an authoritative prohibition, in particular
Synonym: prohibition, ban, bar, veto, prescription,
Antonym: corroborate, support
Usage: Because I failed most of my classes last term, my parents will probably interdict me from working this semester.

ADJUDICATION (noun) न्यायिक निर्णय
Meaning: a formal judgment on a disputed matter.
Synonyms: arbitration, decision, assessment, verdict.
Antonyms: incomprehension, indecision, enigma, amnesty.
Usage:  Articles 5 and 6 both deal with the promptness with which an adjudication must proceed against criminal defendants.

 REMIT (verb) छोड़ना
Meaning: cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment).
Synonyms: revoke, repeal, rescind, abrogate.
Antonyms: heed, mark,  note, object.
Usage: The judge refused to remit the young manʼs cavalier disregard for his pile of unpaid speeding tickets

NEXUS (noun) कड़ी
Meaning: a connection or series of connections linking two or more things.
Synonyms: junction, intersection, link, linkage.
Antonyms: detachment, division, partition, split.
Usage: Along with examining the major political issues of the day, his new column will focus on the increasingly controversial nexus between business and politics.

Impasse (Noun) गतिरोध
Meaning: a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock.
Synonyms: Jam, pause, cessation, deadlock, standstill.
Antonyms: solution, agreement, a breakthrough.
Usage: at present, there is an impasse in the talks between India and Pakistan.

Cue (noun) संकेत
Meaning: a slight or indirect pointing to something (as a solution or explanation)
Synonyms: signal, clue, hint, indication.
Antonyms: answer, solution.
Usage: taking a cue from nature, scientists are developing safe and effective insecticides using insect hormones.

Archipelago (Noun) द्वीपसमूह
Meaning: a fairly small area of land completely surrounded by water.
Synonyms: isle, islet, island.
Antonyms: mainland, continent.
Usage: The visit is aimed at further cementing ties with the Indian Ocean archipelago.

Superannuated (Adjective) वयोवृद्ध
Meaning: retire or disqualified for active duty by advanced age.
Synonyms: outdated, antiquated, obsolete.
Antonyms:  current, modern, new, present-day, recent.
Usage: The superannuated age from a government job is 60 years in India. 


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Daily Vocabulary: 6th August 2019 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu August 6, 2019 Fear learning vocab ?  Make it easy to learn as Vocabulary is the predominant of the English section. Every exam whether SBI or IBPS, Vo...

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