As the author quoted
And as the author of the book "The Light in the Heart"― Roy T. Bennett, said “Don't be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” Nothing can be more accurate than these words. Relating to the great words said by the author think, what was the first thing that made you take the initial steps. It was your dream. Dream to see you at the top of the mountain watching the world below you. At the peak of success with all the happiness and victory of the fights, you fought hard for. And if reading these lines made you smile even for a second, believe in what is being written next - You are doing good, you will do great.
Belief is the key
Aspirants these days are having back to back examinations. To maintain the equilibrium and not shaken up by the stupid thoughts of not being good enough is a herculean task. This is one common thing that every student undergoing preparation phase experiences. This is humane and totally normal in every way. Cortisol the stress hormone is making your head spin with unwanted extravagant thoughts of imperfection, which do not even exist. They are made out of insecurities and lack of confidence. What you need at the moment is a little time to relax and think over the journey you have travelled to reach this stage. Its time to shake all the negative thoughts and live like you own it. The success is so exquisite that you will have to snatch it from the nest of the eagle.
Enjoy the preparation time as well
Now, that everything is said and done it is all up to you that how you work on the drawbacks that are keeping you from enjoying the confidence that you rather should wear as a crown. Keep all the doubts aside and lookup. How you live to the expectations of yours will always depend on the path you choose. Choose wisely and let the dopamine flow in the veins enjoy the time of preparation imagining that view from the mountain top, where you will be standing once you are done with the hard work. Let's meet up at the end of the road where you feel contempt and confidence.
All the Best for the Upcoming Examinations

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