The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

July 28, 2019    

The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started

I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth. Then I asked myself the same question. Then I get to know about the words of mark twain- The secret of getting ahead is getting started. and that's where the people struck You are like the bird you could fly anywhere you want. These all are excuses that you don't have a job, you can not cross the road, you can not speak the language you have not spoken yet there are thousands of reason not go, but the truth is if you want to build something in your life you have to remember what mark twain said. You have to get started because at the end of the day it is the only thing that is holding you back- that you are not moving and once you realized it, you can act. Excuses will not matter to you then, you will act no matter how valid your actions are, how real they seem but the moment you decide to take a step, you can create a history. Remember humans like you, have already done this which you have even not started. Every voice inside you is holding you back and making the less version of you which you are not. This is the time to ask you, why does not the bird fly wherever it wants to go. The answer is- because that was safe, comfortable and because it was an animal so think what you wanna be? If this is not the life you want to live, do something about it.

विजेता वो नहीं बनते जो कभी असफल नही हुए,
 विजेता वो बनते हैं जो कभी हार नहीं मानते

Remember the golden words of Albert Einstein- Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value. This is something we think about life. At the end of the day, success is incredibly motivating and accomplishing your goals and dreams are something you wanna do since you were a child. What does it mean to be a good person, an effective person, and a  worthy of trust? Those things at the end of the day are something that when you invested in finding values is that takes you somewhere is amazing. As Bruce Lee said- 

Knowledge will give you the power
But the character will give you respect

The only thing that is going to comfort you is respect and knowing who you are really. The moment you realize the desire of your dreams is the moment when you're halfway there. When you start guiding yourself nothing can pull you down. If you know who you are, what is your worth, what you can achieve and if you are true to yourself, nothing can stop you.

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The Secret Of Getting Ahead Is Getting Started 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 28, 2019 I always wonder why birds stay in the same place when they can fly anywhere on earth. Then I asked myself the same question.   Then I g...

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