The Ladder Of Success Is Best Climbed By Stepping On The Rungs Of Opportunity

July 24, 2019    

The Ladder Of Success Is Best Climbed By Stepping On The Rungs Of Opportunity

Success is not measured on the days' when the sun shines, success is measured on dark, stormy, cloudy days and if you can't absorb failure you are never gonna meet success. sometimes, it takes things falling apart for better things to fall into place. Sometimes it takes the most uncomfortable path to lead your life to the most beautiful place. There is gonna be bad days, there is gonna be dark days but you have got to embrace it. Because that pain is something that makes you stronger, failure is what makes you brawny. You have to accept those downtimes, as once you realize, those bad times are just as much part of life as anything else you are able to strive again. You will never see the purpose of the storm until you see the growth it produced. You will never understand why you went through what you went through until you see the strength, the power, the resilience that is built inside of you. Ask yourself why, but this why is a better why, "why am I doing this? why am I failing? why am I even getting myself in a situation where I could fail? The reason behind all these questions is- You have a Dream, you have goals and the more you think back to those originals goals, the easier it is for you to get back up and say "ALRIGHT" it might be difficult, painful, stressful.

"Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning."

There might be people who do not believe in you, but you should believe in yourself. You know it might have been the case that you should have gone through that harsh BREAKUP, that you should have gone through that heavy loss, just in order to find something even better. But the only way to get the best is to get back up and work and put yourself out there again and arise from that this time, even more, stronger, better, smarter ready to grasp that new opportunity. You have to believe that the tables in your life will turn. That pain will become a power, your weakness will become the strength, and that confusion will become the peace. Better things are coming for your life. Every day is a new beginning its time for you to start treating it that way.

Most people do not live their dream, not because of failure, but they give up. It's not the failure that stops you it's your mind which believes that you can not go that way long towards your goal. Make your dream a reality, work hard, work smart. Remember if you can dream it, you can achieve it. 

"You can waste your lives drawing lines. Or you can live your life crossing them."

So students, the upcoming year, too, has in it, a lot of surprises stashed for you. A lot more is there that is yet to be unfolded. Many new stories are yet to be written. You are the one who holds the pen, just be wise and smart enough to pen them down as beautifully as you can. All the best!

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The Ladder Of Success Is Best Climbed By Stepping On The Rungs Of Opportunity 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 24, 2019 Success is not measured on the days' when the sun shines, success is measured on dark, stormy, cloudy days and if you can't abs...

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