New Pattern Reasoning Model Questions for SBI PO & Clerks 2019 (Completely Solved)

July 10, 2019    

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New Pattern Reasoning Practice Test 2019

Model Questions Directions (Q.No.1-5) : Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

In a global environment summit, eight representatives, viz P, Q, R, S, T, V, W and Z are representing different countries, viz Australia, Canada, France, Iran, China, Korea, Nepal and Britain, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are sitting around a circular table facing the center. V sits third to the left of T. R and Z and also their immediate neighbours do not represent France. Only one person sits between W and the representative of France. The representatives of Iran and Canada are immediate neighbours of each other. R represents neither China nor Iran. Only one person sits between P and the one who represents Korea. P does not represent either France or Canada. R sits third to the right of Z. Z represents Britain.
T is not an immediate neighbour of either R or Z. The one who represents Australia is an immediate neighbour of T. Three people sit between Z and the representative of Nepal. Q is not repr-esenting either France or Australia. W is not representing Korea. 

1. Who among the following represents Canada ? 
  1. Cannot be determined 
2. Who among the following represent immediate neighbours of V ?
  1. P, Q 
  2. P, S 
  3. T, W 
  4. P, R 
  5. P and the representative of China
3. Which of the following is true regarding W ? 
  1. W sits second to the right of P
  2. W represents Iran
  3. W sits between Q and the representative of Britain
  4. Only one person sits between W and the representative of Canada
  5. None is true 
4. How many persons sit between S and the representative of Iran, anti clockwise when counted from S ? 
  1. None 
  2. One 
  3. Two 
  4. Three 
  5. Four 
5. Which of the following is true ? 
  1. S represents France
  2. Only one person is sitting between the representatives of Iran and China
  3. The representative of Canada is an immediate neighbour of W
  4. One person sits between Z and the representative of France
  5. None is true 
Directions (Q.No.6-10) : Study the information carefully and answer the questions given below. 

There are three floors in a given building such that floor 2 is above floor 1 and floor 3 is above floor 2. In the building there are two flats in each floor such that A is in the west of Flat B. In the building each Flat has an area of 1200 ft and each flat has certain number of rooms and no two flats have same number of rooms. The area of each room of one of the flats on the even number floor is 120ft. Total rooms on floor number three is seven. 

The flat which has rooms of area of 150 ft is on odd number floor. Area of rooms in the flat which is exactly below 10 rooms flat is 600 ft. There is only one floor between the flats whose each room area is 400 ft and the flat whose room's area is 150 ft. There is no flat on the west of the flat having 6 rooms. 

6. What is the area of a room in Flat A on floor 2 ? 
  1. 300 ft
  2. 200 ft 
  3. 600 ft
  4. either (1) or (3) 
  5. None of these
7. What is the total number of rooms on floor 2 ?
  1. 12 
  2. 14 
  3. 13
  4. 16 
  5. None of these 
8. Which of the following statement is true ? 
  1. Total number of rooms on floor 2 is 16
  2. Area of each room is 150 ft of flat A on floor 1 
  3. Total rooms in Flat A of all three floors is 17
  4. All are correct 
  5. None is correct 
9. What is the area of room of flat B on floor 3 ? 
  1. 200 ft
  2. 600 ft 
  3. 300 ft 
  4. 400 ft 
  5. None of these 
10. How many rooms are there of the west of the flat whose each room area is 600 ft ? 
  1. None of these
Directions (Q.No.11-15) : The following questions are based on the following three-digit numbers given below : 
571     863     427     654     912
11. If all the three digits of each of the numbers are multiplied together, the product of which of the following numbers will be the second highest ?
  1. 571 
  2. 863 
  3. 427 
  4. 654 
  5. 912 
12. If all the digits of each of the numbers are arranged in ascending order within the number, how many numbers thus formed will be divisible by three ? 
  1. None
  2. One 
  3. Two
  4. Three 
  5. More than three
13. If one is subtracted from each even digit of each of the numbers, in how many numbers thus formed will a digit appear twice within the number ? 
  1. One 
  2. Two 
  3. Three
  4. Four 
  5. Five 
14. If the positions of the first and the second digits of each of the numbers are interchanged, what will be the product of the first and the third digits of the second highest number thus formed 
  1. 14 
  2. 16 
  3. 12 
  4. 18 
  5. None of these 
15. What will be the product of the second digit of the second lowest number and the third digit of the second highest number ? 
  1. 21 
  2. 12
  3. 24 
  4. 16 
  5. None of these 
(Q.No.16-17) : Read each question carefully and choose the appropriate answer : 
16. If the alphabet is written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting with Y is dropped, which letter will be fourth to the right of the ninth letter from the left end ? 
  1. N
  2. Z or A 
  3. None of these 

17. In a certain code, 'COMPATIBLE' is written as MXUWGYMENF. How is BENEFICIAL written in that code ?
  5. None of these 
(Q.No.18 -20): In a row of children facing North, Tagore is fifth to the right of Amar who is twentieth from the right end of the row. Pavan is tenth to the left of Tagore and is twentysixth from the left end. 
18. How many children are there in the row ? 
  1. 49 
  2. 50 
  3. 51 
  4. Cannot be determined 
  5. None of these 
19. What is Amar's rank from the left end of the row ? 
  1. 29th 
  2. 30th 
  3. 31st 
  4. Cannot be determined 
  5. None of these 
20. How many children are there in the row between Amar and Pavan ? 
  1. 5
  2. None of these 

Solutions for Reasoning Practice Test 2019


1) 4
2) 4
3) 5
4) 3; Only Two persons, i.e., W and Z
5) 2


6) 2
7) 4
8) 4
9) 3
10) 4


11) 4:

8x6x3 = 144; 6x5x4 = 120. Therefore, second highest number is 654.

12) 3;

654 when arranged in ascending order, becomes 456 which is divisible by 3.

912 when arranged in ascending order, becomes 129 is also divisible by 3.

13) 2;

In 654, if one is subtracted from each even digit, it becomes 553. The digit '5' appears twice.

In 912, when one is subtracted from the even digit, it becomes 911 where the digit '1' appears twice.

14) 4;

In the given numbers,

571   863   427   654   912

after interchaning the first twi digits, the numbers appear as follows :

751   683   247   564   192

Hence, the second highest number is 683. The product of the first and the third digits is 18.

15) 1;

second lowest number is 571, and the second digit is '7'

Second highets number is 863, and the third digit is '3'

The product of 7 and 3 is 21.

16) 1;

Step No : 1


Step No : 2

ZXVTRPNLJHFDB (all the odd numbered position letters which amount to thirteen are dropped)

Step No : 3 4th letter to the right + 9th letter from left end = 13th from the left end which is 'B'.

17) 4;

Each letter in the word 'COMPATIBLE' is coded in the alphabetical order in the forward direction, but in the descending order.

C+10 = M, O+9=X, and so on

18) 2;

Tagore is 15th from the right end. Pavan is 25th from the right end. We know that Pavan is 26th from the left end.

Hence, number of children in the row = 25+26-1 = 50

19) 3;

Left position of Amar + Right position of Amar - 1 = number of children in a row Left position = 50+1-20 = 31st

20) 1 ;

Pavan is 25th from the right end. Amar is 20th from the right end. Hence, there are four children between Amar and Pavan.

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New Pattern Reasoning Model Questions for SBI PO & Clerks 2019 (Completely Solved) 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 10, 2019 sponsored links New Pattern Reasoning Practice Test 2019 Model Questions Directions (Q.No.1-5) : Read the following information carefu...

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