IBPS RRB 2019 Prelims Reasoning Ability Quiz: PO/Clerk | 8th July

July 8, 2019    

Dear Aspirants,

IBPS RRB 2019 Prelims Reasoning Ability Quiz: PO/Clerk | 8th July

Reasoning Questions for IBPS RRB 2019

Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With each passing year, all the organizations are increasing the level of complexity of the questions that are asked in either prelims or mains. It eventually affects the number of question one can usually attempt. But this section is based on logic and rules can be aced if practised well enough. The only way to achieve this ambitious goal is by practising continuously with dedication. So to prepare you with best tools for the finals, here is today's Reasoning Quiz based on the study plan and the exact same pattern of questions that are expected to be asked in IBPS RRB 2019. Keep Practicing. All the best

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 


Some Steel are Iron
All Iron are Gold
No Iron is Platinum
I: Some Gold are not Platinum
II: Some Steel are not Platinum
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Only Car are Supercar
No Supercar is Bike
All bike are Superbike
I:All Car can never be Superbike
II: Some Superbike are not Car
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

All cat are dog.
All dog are eyes.
Some dog are ear
I. All ear being eyes is a possibility
II. No cat is ear
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Some D is E.
No E is a F.
All F are G
I. Some G are definitely not E
II. Some F are not D
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Some Finance are Minister 
Some Minister are Leaders 
Some Leaders are Human 
I: All minister are Leader 
II: Some Leaders are not Minister
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even, if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 


Some Tom are Jerry
All Jerry are Cat
All cat are Animal
I: Some Tom are not Animals
II: All Tom are animals
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Some Boy are Cricketer
All Cricketer are Batsman
No Boy is Bowler
I: Some Cricketer is not bowler
II: All Batsman can never be bowler
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

 All coffee are summer
Some tea is coffee
 Some summer are cold
 I. All tea being cold is a possibility
 II. Some coffee are definitely not cold.
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

 Some blue are green
Some grey is blue
 All green are white
 I. Some grey is white is a possibility
 II. All green are grey is a possibility
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

 All soil are plant
 No earth is plant
 All earth are water
 I. Some plant which are water are also soil.
II. No water is soil
If only conclusion I follows.
If only conclusion II follows.
If either conclusion I or II follows.
If neither conclusion I nor II follows.
If both conclusions I and II follow.

Directions (11-15): In each of the questions given below some statements are followed by some conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 


Some Monday is Tuesday.
Some Tuesday is Friday.
All Friday is Sunday.
 I. Some Monday is Sunday
II. Some Tuesday is Sunday.
III. Some Monday is Friday.
Only I is true
Only II is true
Both I and II is true
Only III is true
None true

 Some orange is brown.
Some orange is yellow
No purple is yellow.
 I. Some purple is brown.
II. Some orange is purple.
III. some yellow is brown.
Only II is true
Both II and III is true
Only I is true
None follows
Both I and II is true

Q13. Statements: 
All book is notes.
All notes is marker.
No notes is pen.
I. Some marker is books.
II. No book is Marker
III. No book is pen.
Both II and III is true
Only III is true
Both I and II is true
Both I and III is true
Only I is true

All Guava are Papaya.
Some Papaya are Mango.
Some Apple are Mango.
 I. Some Apple are Papaya.
 II. Some Mango are Guava.
 III. Some Guava are Apple.
Only I follows
Only II follows
Only I and III follow
Only III follows
None follows

Some dark is night.
All night is light.
All dark is shine.
I. Some shine is night.
II. Some light are not dark.
III. All night are dark.
Only I follows
Only II and III follow
Only I and III follow
Only I and II follow
None of these


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IBPS RRB 2019 Prelims Reasoning Ability Quiz: PO/Clerk | 8th July 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu July 8, 2019 Dear Aspirants, Reasoning Questions for IBPS RRB 2019 Reasoning Ability is a crafty section. With each pa...

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