Preparing for Competitive exam? Having difficulty in understanding the basic concepts of the topics? No time to go out for coaching classes? Having a hectic schedule to get time to start your preparation? paying too much for the best study material? Do not worry, we are back again with the solution to all your problems. To bring to the light, we have come up with the unique solution to our students, who are paying through their nose to get damn good at their desired goals. Adda247, never lets you miss any bus as we know how costly one's success is. To give wings to your dream, we are offering 50% discounts on all our VIDEO Courses so that you do not have to worry anything about your preparation. Yes, you heard it right, Flash 50% discount on all our Video courses. So why to wait, when you have an open book to grab.
Flash Sale-6PM-8PM
Use Code- VIDEO50
Flat 50% Discount on Video Courses
Thinking how video courses can help you ace your preparation? Read the reasons below:
- The most important advantage of having video courses is that you can access them whenever you want i.e as per your convenience.
- There is no limit to watch the videos, you can play them time and again.
- These videos will be helpful to clear all your basic concepts.
- Videos have been designed keeping in mind the latest trend in the banking sector.
- Our best expert faculty have recorded the lecture, with a view to providing you with the best.
- You can even watch this video while traveling, so you do not have to find extra time for the classes.
- These videos are pocket-friendly, you are getting everything you need at your fingertips.
- It saves your time and money that you spend on Coaching classes.
Thinking to grab the deal tomorrow? Wait, have a look here at Today's Offer:
When the sale will go live? | The sale will be live at 6PM |
What are the products that can be purchased on a discounted price? | All Video courses |
will the sale be extended or can we get the products on discount tomorrow? | No, the sale is valid for only two hours, For Today |
What is the Coupon code? | VIDEO50 |
what is the duration of the sale? | The sale will be live for only 2 hours i.e 6PM-8PM |

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