The first shift for the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) preliminary examination for the year 2019 was conducted today and we hope that students will be stepping out of the examination room with flying colors. This year aspirants fought for the 280 seats. With this, it's time to get the analysis and review of the First shift of the EPFO Assistant 2019 exam.
After attempting the examination students would look up to the analysis of the question paper for EPFO assistant and the students from other shifts would want to get the idea of the trend for this year's examination. With the help of analysis, they can also decode the changes that might have been observed and the paper pattern that was followed in the EPFO assistant examination 2019. The analysis not only helps with all the above-stated details but also mentally prepares the aspirants who will appear in the upcoming shifts.
So, share your reviews and help others with the details. We will be expecting the reviews on the following subjects:
- Numerical Ability
- Reasoning Ability
- English
You can share your review on our Whatsapp - 7982489329
You can also mail your review -

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