Spoken English Lessons - Day 1

June 27, 2019    

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In present competitive world, English is most preferred language. People who speak English have more job opportunities. No matter how many books you read, how much you know or how many skills you have, if you can't project yourself in proper manner, you are nothing. If you want to be recognized, you need to express yourself in an impressive and interesting way. If you want to survive in this competitive world, you should adopt Good English speaking skills as quick as possible. Speaking English allows you to actually broadens your world, from job opportunities to the ability to communicate with your customers and friends. 

How to Speak Good and Fluent English ?

We all want to speak English fluently, but do not know where to start. So, here our Gr8AmbitionZ team is providing Easy spoken English classes . We will post English lessons on daily basis. These
lessons consists of basic grammar tips, practical advice and exercises to help you to conquer your fears of speaking English. Our most effective methods and learning strategies will make you more fluent and confident English speaker

Before starting our lesson 1 of Spoken English, let's try to find out why we can't speak good English.

Why can't we speak good English ?

There are only 3 fears that are stopping us from speaking good English.
The fear of failure
The fear of making mistakes
The fear of being misunderstood when speaking in English

If you overcome the above 3 fears, you can easily speak fluent English. In our lessons, we will teach you how to overcome these three fears of spoken English. Just read the following lessons. Start implementing them from today. Be sure to practice regularly.  You will definitely witness the good change in you in 30 days. All the Best :)

Gr8AmbitionZ Spoken English Classes - Lesson 1

Read the Following Conversation. Read it loudly. If possible make this conversation with your friend assuming you are Kavita and your friend is Suji.

Conversation Exercise I
  • Kavita : How did you do in yesterday's SBI PO Prelims Exam ?
  • Suji : Well, I think. How did you do ?
  • Kavita : Not bad. I could have done better ?
  • Suji : How many marks you are expecting ?
  • Kavita : 85. What about you ?
  • Suji : 40. My father wants me to join some coaching institute.
  • Kavita : Which institute ?
  • Suji : No idea as yet. What's going to be your institute ?
  • Kavita : Same here. Not decided yet.
Conversation Exercise II
  • Supriya : Hi, Suneetha, What a relief! The final degree exams are over. But What next for you ?
  • Suneetha : Not yet decided. What are your plans ?
  • Supriya : Well, You know I've taken the CAT for joining in IIM. Waiting for the results. If I make it, I'll join one of the IIMs. Hope I shall be fortunate.
  • Suneetha : I wish I had appeared for CAT too. It's too late now. I think I'll do MCA. I am preparing for the entrance tests of all MCA courses. I may also take PG entrance tests and do MSc Computers or Electronics.
Observed above conversations ?

It is important to know good Grammar in Spoken English. But it doesn't mean that you can speak good English if you know Grammar. Knowing basic English Grammar is enough.


Vocabulary means the words in a particular language. The basic words required in Spoken English are of daily life, basic things, human relations, the things we require etc. Thanks to competitive exams, we all know the meanings of some difficult words, but many of us don't know English words for some simple items which we use in daily life. We need to learn them along with pronunciation. 

Let's read the following sentences.
  1. Vijayawada is on the banks of the Krishna.
  2. They do not speak English.
  3. Where is Ramesh ?
  4. How beautiful the Taj is!
Every sentence from above list tells us something. First sentence tells us about 'Vijayawada'. Second sentence tells us about 'They'. Third sentence is about 'Ramesh' and the fourth one is about 'Taj'. These things which the Sentence tells us about are called as 'Subject'.

In above sentences, the subject is 'Vijayawada', second sentence's subject is 'They', third sentence's subject is 'Ramesh', and fourth sentence's subject 'Taj'. 

Similarly, in every sentence, there is a part which tells us about the 'Subject'. In the 1st sentence .............. is on the banks of the Krishna tells us about the sentence's subject.

"She sings well"

In the above sentence 'She' is subject. 'Sings well' is the part which tells us about the subject. There will be no sentence, if there is no 'sings' in 'sings well' (It will be meaningless to say 'She well'. There will be no sentence like that). So 'She sings well' - in this sentence, after the Subject 'She', the word 'Sings' is very important for the sentence. We call it as 'VERB'.

Knowing Subject, Verb is very important in Spoken English.

Now let's pick Verbs from the above 4 sentences.

In sentence 1, the verb 'is'
In sentence 2, the verb 'do speak'
In sentence 3 & 4, the verb 'is'

In spoken English, it is very crucial to recognize Subject and Verb. If you can do this, remaining are very easy.
  1. Rajasthan is the biggest state in India.
  2. The Bengal Gazette was published first from Kolkata
The above 2 sentences tell us about something. So we call them as 'Statements'.
  1. Is Rajasthan the biggest state in India ?
  2. Was the Bengal Gazette first published from Kolkata ?
The above two (4, 5) are questions. Now lets see the difference between (1, 2) and (3, 4)

In English, there is a main difference in Sentence Structure between the Statements like (1, 2) and the questions like (3, 4). 

Note : Sentence Structure means the way in which you put words in a sentence. 

Statement : Rajasthan (Subject) is (Verb) the biggest state in India

Question : Is Rajasthan (

Verb + Subject) the biggest state in India ?

In Statement, we put the Subject first and Verb latter.

But in Question, we put Verb first and Subject latter.

This is the main and most important difference in English .

Statement : The Bengal Gazette (Subject) was published (Verb) first from Kolkata
Question : Was the Bengal Gazette (Verb + Subject) published (Verb) first from Kolkata ?

Now try to convert the following statements into questions.
  1. (Yes), They are students
  2. (Yes), Rani is the leader
  3. (No), I am not happy
  4. (Yes), He was here last night
  5. (No) She is not hungry 
That's all for today friends. Hope you enjoyed our first day of Spoken English lessons. In tomorrow's class we shall learn how to pronounce the words with 'R' endings some verbs followed by  vocabulary. Good Day :)

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Spoken English Lessons - Day 1 4.5 5 Yateendra sahu June 27, 2019 sponsored links In present competitive world, English is most preferred language. People who speak English have more job opportunities....

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